Start and end symbols, represented as lozenges, ovals or rounded rectangles, usually containing the word "Start" or "End", or another phrase signaling the start or end of a process, such as "submit enquiry" or "receive product".
i am only 11 and i know all this ict work
there is no basic symbol in flowchart
a rectangle is the symbol for the action or event in a flowchart. it describes something that happens or something you do
it is called proces symbol
rectangle Flowchart represent the algorithm or process of data, using chart or sysmbols. There are different Flowchart symbols. the ff. are: 1. Terminal sysmbol - (oval) this symbol represent the start and end of the flowchart. 2. Initialization Symbol - (hexagon) this symbol is used in declaring or initializing variable used in the program. 3. Process Symbol (Rectangle) this symbol used in calculation, opening and closing file paths. 4. Condition Symbol (Diamond) this symbol used in condition of value in programming. this condition have a one entrance two exit which is the first exit is the "TRUE STATEMENT" and other exit is the "FALSE STATENENT". 5. Input and Output Symbol (parallelogram) this symbol used in input and output of the program. there is one entrance and one exit. 6. Connector (small Circle) it is used in connection flowchart that does not adjacent of not the same patcular area. 7. Arrow Lines (arrow) this is used to connect or the direction or flow of data. source:
the name of the module
The result of the last option you chose. Usually a box.
there is no basic symbol in flowchart
To draw a flowchart to check if a number is a perfect square, you would start with a start/end symbol. Then, you would input the number to be checked. Next, you would use a decision symbol with a condition to check if the square root of the number is an integer. If it is, the flowchart would output that the number is a perfect square; if not, it would output that the number is not a perfect square. Finally, you would end the flowchart.
( start ) -> / Write "Hello World" / -> ( end ) *try to search an example on google. *type "flowchart of hello world"
The diamond is the process symbol in flowcharts.
To create a flowchart to print odd numbers from 1 to 10, you would start with a terminal or start/end symbol. Then, you would use a process symbol to initialize a variable to 1. Next, you would use a decision symbol to check if the variable is less than or equal to 10. If it is, you would use another decision symbol to check if the variable is odd. If it is odd, you would use an output symbol to print the number. Finally, you would use a process symbol to increment the variable by 2 and loop back to the decision symbol to continue the process until the variable reaches 10.
a rectangle is the symbol for the action or event in a flowchart. it describes something that happens or something you do
it is called proces symbol
Oh, what a lovely question! To draw a flowchart of finding the cube of a number, you can start with a start/end symbol, then use a process symbol to input the number. Next, use a process symbol to calculate the cube (number * number * number) and finally, use an output symbol to display the result. Remember, there are no mistakes in flowcharts, just happy little accidents!
Start Input A Input B C=A+B Print C END
decission symbol .... married or not? y or n