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Any simple text editor can be used to create an HTML document. HTML documents are just simple text, so any basic editor will do the job.

Notepad, Vim, or Emacs are all good examples of very simple programs used to create HTML documents. (I'm not sure of the Macintosh equivalent to these, but that would work just as well.)

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go into notepad and type the basics

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Q: What is a simple program used to create HTML documents?
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What is a program used to create a document?

Any simple text editor can be used to create an HTML document. HTML documents are just simple text, so any basic editor will do the job. Notepad, Vim, or Emacs are all good examples of very simple programs used to create HTML documents. (I'm not sure of the Macintosh equivalent to these, but that would work just as well.)

Is Html an example of an HTML program?

HTML is not a program it is a langue your computer speaks with the browser to create arguments and display data

How can you create a HTML documents?

You can create a HTML file in any of the text editors known. Notepad and various other IDE's are examples.

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You need to type the following code to create a simple JavaScript message inside the HTML

What is a HTML elements?

HTML tags and their respective attributes are used to create HTML documents so that you can view them in browsers and other user agents.

What is the frame in HTML write the program of frame?

In HTML web programming one uses a frameset to create less linear looking websites. Frameset versions were created to make transferring documents that conformed to the old HTML specification easier.

How do you post HTML program?

A HTML Program is one used to create a web page. It is used to post on server to make the web page live.

What is used to create large program on internet?

Java script

What is the definition of java script?

(A scripting language that is added to standard HTML to create interactive documents.

Is it possible to create HTML documents with word?

yes you can use any text editing software to make a HTML file. Just use the rules of HTML and save it as htm or HTML and your good to go.

What are the required elements for a simple HTML document?

Here is a simple HTML website: <HTML> <title>My first website<title> <body> <body bgcolor=0033FF> <font color=00CCFF> <h1>My website</h1> </font> </body> </HTML>