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The burgler's contrivance was very well thought out, he had planned every single detail.

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Q: What is a sentence with contrive in it?
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Can you use contrive in a sentence?

Since he could not pass the exam, he contrived an excuse to leave the class.

When was Contrive created?

Contrived was created in 2000.

What is a word that start with con and ends with ive?

connive contrive

Can anyone answer this riddle Silent as a speeding bullet nothing can describe in every way it is the best that nothing can contrive Can't you see the advantage having it on your side?

Snitch. Take the first letter of each sentence.

What word is a synonym of contrive?

devise, plan, fabricate, create, design, scheme, plot

What is the abstract noun for conspire?

plot, scheme, intrigue, manoeuvre, contrive, machinate, plan

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Drive, survive, contrive.

What word means to make up something?

To make up a story is to fabricate, to concoct, or to contrive a false explanation.

What is the synonym for invent?

devise, discover, forge, envision, compose, contrive, inaugurate and create

What words are similar to conspire?

Synonyms to the word conspire can be: (But aren't limited to) Plot, scheme, contrive, devise, plan.

Use contrivance in a sentence?

The meaning of contrivance is using a skill to create something, something created skillfully to serve a specific purpose, or a literary or artistic device that gives a sense of artificiality. The script used contrivance to keep the characters at the center of the action.

What is the Translating word of 'invent' to Hindi?

Possible translations for "invent" or "contrive" include: आविष्कार करना, ईजाद करना , गढ़ना