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You can write perfectly good C programs in C++. C programs are essentially just C++ programs that make use of the C standard libraries (and other libraries written for C) rather than making use of C++ standard libraries (and other libraries written for C++). However, non-trivial C programs are better written in C++ as the resultant code will generally be smaller and much more efficient, not to mention easier to manage.

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8mo ago

To compile and run a C# program in Visual Studio.NET, open the program file in Visual Studio. Then, click on the "Build" menu and select "Build Solution" to compile the program. Once compiled successfully, press F5 or click on the "Debug" menu and select "Start Debugging" to run the program.

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What is compile time?

Compile Time: In longer form, you might say, "at the time of compiling", or, "when the program is compiled". When you compile a program, the compiler applies various processes to your source code in order to generate the executable files. These are actions that happen "at compile time". Other actions happen when you actually run the finished program. These actions are said to occur, at, or in, "run time".

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