A metal-working planer is an industrial machine used to produce flat surfaces. A metal object to be machined (the work piece) is placed on a working surface known as the table, and secured to the surface with bolts, clamps, etc. Alternately, the work piece may be secured to the table via a vise. The table (with work piece attached) is moved back-and-forth under a stationary tool bit which cuts off the metal. When the stroke of the table under the tool bit is completed the table returns to the starting position and the tool bit moves sideways a small amount thus being ready for another cut of metal off of the work piece. On some planers the tool bit moves sideways at the end of the cutting stroke before the table returns to the starting position. A planer's table can be as small as 8 inches wide by two feet long up to a size on which you could park a very large truck. A planer's table back-and-forth action is somewhat similar to that of a metal working shaper except in the case of a shaper, the work piece is held steady on a table and the tool bit, mounted on a moving ram, moves back and forth over the work piece. When the ram (with tool bit) is in the rearward position the table moves sideways so the work piece is ready for another cut.
planer density is the ratio of number of atoms to area of plane .
A jointer is used for putting a straight edge on a board. A planer is used for obtaining a flat surface on the board. With a jointer, you run the board through on it's edge, and with a planer you generally run the board flat.
PLANER MACHINEIntroduction: The planer is a machine tool designed to produce plane and flat surface on a workpiece which is too large or too heavy. The workpiece is securely fixed on a table called platen, and it reciprocates horizontally against a single edged cutting tool. The surface machined may be horizontal, vertical or at an angle.Operations of planer machine: The planer is used for:1. Planing flat horizontal, vertical and curved surfaces.2. Planing at an angle and machining dovetails.3. Planing slots and grooves.The planer are available in different types for doing different types and sizes of job; the most common being the standard and double housing planer.Construction: The main parts of the double Housing Planer machine is Bed and table, Housings, Cross rail, , Tool heads, Driving and feed mechanism.Bed and table: The bed is a long heavy base and table made of cast iron. Its top surface is flat and machined accurately. The flat top surface has slots in which the workpiece can be securely clamped. The workpiece needs rigid fixing so that it does not shift out of its position. The standard clamping devices used on planer machine are: Heavy duty vice, T-holders and clamps, angle plate, planer jack, step blocks and stop. The table movement may be actuated by a variable speed drive through a rack and pinion arrangement, or a hydraulic system.Housings: The housings are the rigid and upright column like castings. These are located near the centre on each side of the base.Cross rail: The cross rail is a horizontal member supported on the machined ways of the upright columns. Guide ways are provided on vertical face of each column and that enables up and vertical movement of the cross rail. The vertical movement of the cross rail allows to accommodate workpiece of different heights. Since the cross rail is supported at both the ends, this type of planer machine is rigid in construction.Tool heads: Generally two tool heads are mounted in the horizontal cross rail and one on each of the vertical housing. Tool heads may be swiveled so that angular cuts can be made.Driving and feed mechanism: The tool heads may be fed either by hand or by power in crosswise or vertical direction. The motor drive is usually at one side of the planer near the centre and drive mechanism is located under the table.The size of the planer is specified by the maximum length of the stroke, and also by the size of the largest rectangular solid that can be machined on it.
The big machine that lays asphalt on main roads and highways is called a cold planer.
Although the planer and shaper are able to machine flat surfaces,there is not much overlapping in their fields of usefulness. They differ widely in construction and in the method of operation. When two machines are compared the following differences may be seen:1. The planer is especially adapted to large work; the shaper can do only small work.2. On the planer the work is moved against a stingray tool; on the shaper the tool moves across the work which is stationary.3. On the planer the tool is fed into the work; on the shaper the work is usually fed across the tool.
Maddie Planer's birth name is Madeline Barnes Planer.
Nigel Planer's birth name is Nigel George Planer.
Maddie Planer is 5' 3".
Nigel Planer is 6' 3".
A manual planer is less expensive to purchase than an electric planer. Also, the manual planer allows the user more control over the tool. Manual planers are usually used to make intricate designs that require such control.
Planer Blades Knives For Makita 2012 2012NB High Speed Steel 305x32x3mm Pack of 2 pieces of 30.5CM (12 Inches) long, HSS, planer blades to Makita 2012 2012NB Planer. Buy Planer Blades at Woodfordtooling online shop with low cost.
ISCAR Metalworking was created in 1952.
Nigel Planer was born on February 22, 1953.
Nigel Planer was born on February 22, 1953.
Minna Planer was born on 1809-09-05.
Minna Planer died on 1866-01-25.
planer density is the ratio of number of atoms to area of plane .