

What is a meter stop?

Updated: 12/18/2022
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10y ago

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A meter stop is a small metal or plastic peg placed just beyond the limits of normal meter movement on an analog meter movement to prevent the needle from moving too far off scale. Overloading a meter so that it hits the meter stop hard is often called "pegging" the meter and can damage it by bending the needle.

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There is no legal or safe device available to stop an electricity meter from accurately measuring usage. Attempting to tamper with an electricity meter is illegal and can have serious consequences. If you have concerns about your electricity usage, you should contact your utility provider for assistance.

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A digital electric meter can be stopped with a neodimum magnet or totally disconnected. If this meter is the property of the power company, any tampering is illegal and will result in criminal charges being filed. Also electricity meter can be stopped with strong radio wave and remote control. You can read about it on

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Anything apart from unplugging/shutting off all the appliances would be considered fraud.

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