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Q: What is a memory location whose value can change while an application is running?
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What is a difference between register and a memory location?

difference between register and memory location

What is poiner value in c?

In c a pointer is a variable that points to or references a memory location in which data is stored. Each memory cell in the computer has an address that can be used to access that location so a pointer variable points to a memory location we can access and change the contents of this memory location via the pointer. Pointer declaration A pointer is a variable that contains the memory location of another variable. The syntax is as shown below. You start by specifying the type of data stored in the location identified by the pointer. The asterisk tells the compiler that you are creating a pointer variable. Finally you give the name of the variable. type * variable name Example: int *ptr; float *string;

One million memory location is?

See: Memory Management

What is the Java Garbage Collector?

A Garbage Collector in Java is a Java program that runs automatically every few seconds to check if there are any objects in the JVM memory that is not being used/referenced by the programs that are being executed. If so, such objects would be removed from the memory, making the free memory available for the other objects to use. This is very good for us because, we need not write specific programs to release unused objects to ensure that our application has enough memory to keep running. If the garbage collector is not there, then we would have manually write the code to ensure that our app keeps running. If we don't have the garbage collector, then we would be very frequently getting Out of Memory error in our application.

What is caused when an application does not properly release memory allocated to it that it no longer needs and continually requests more memory than it needs?

memory leak

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What is an active application?

An Active Application is one which is currently running either by user or another application and using system memory, resources. the controversy is Suspended Application which means its is not using any Resourses but it still exist in memory(if user again launched same application it launch very fast compared to 1st launch Because application exist in memory) which can seen in Windows 8.

What is a heap dump?

A heap dump is a snapshot of the memory heap of a running Java application, captured at a specific point in time. It provides detailed information about the various objects and their sizes in memory, helping developers analyze memory usage, detect memory leaks, and optimize application performance.

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The game implemented in this reseach is running dictation game. Running dictation is spelling game (good for teamwork, thinking and memory skills, as well as application of spelling rules).

What is active application?

An Active Application is one which is currently running either by user or another application and using system memory, resources. the controversy is Suspended Application which means its is not using any Resourses but it still exist in memory(if user again launched same application it launch very fast compared to 1st launch Because application exist in memory) which can seen in Windows 8.

Which virtual memory attribute is the only one a technician should change?


What do you do if an application is running slowly?

Restart your computer or software might help. Some softwares have a limit memory usage, you can increase or decrease this. Increase this if software is running slow (photoshop has this option).

When was The Memory of Running created?

The Memory of Running was created in 2004.

What is a storage location in the computers memory used for holding info while the program is running?

In Visual Basics this is known as a Variable

Which virtual memory attribute is the technician should change?

The only setting that the technician should change is the 'location of the swap file'

What is the name of the memory location that holds up to twenty -four items for you to paste into the current document another document or another application?

the clipboard

Where is a single element of data stored?

A single element of data is typically stored in a memory location, which could be in RAM (Random Access Memory) or on a storage device like a hard drive or SSD. The exact location depends on the application and the type of data being stored.

What is the name of the memory location that holds up to twenty-four items for you to past into the current document another document or another application?

Windows clipboard