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it is used to crush the big lumps of soil left after ploughing.

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Q: What is a leveller which is used agriculture?
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Machines used in agriculture?

Machines are very modified these days for agriculture.Some are -: 1.Tractor 2.Rotavor 3.Cultivator 4.Harrow 5.Plough 6.Hoe 7.Leveller

When did The Leveller end?

The Leveller ended in 1982.

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The Grand Leveller was created in 1991-05.

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What machines are used for commercial agriculture?

Combine harvester( for harvesting)thresher(to thrush)plogh(for tilling,adding fertilizer,removing weads)hoe(for removing weads,loosening soil)cultivator(for ploughing)leveller(for leveling soil)tool&seeds,seed drill(for seeding)sprinkler system, dripsystem(to supply water)

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Any use for polonium in agriculture.

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What has the author Theodore Calvin Pease written?

Theodore Calvin Pease has written: 'The Leveller Movement'

How is water used in agriculture and recreation?

Water is used in agriculture for irrigation and used as recreation for water sports and swimming pools.

What type of technology is used in agriculture?

some examples of technology used in agriculture is plows,tractors,cattle...etc.