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the distance through which the force acts.

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Q: What is a hydraulic press multiplies a force by 100 this multiplication is done at the expense?
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What kind of system multiplies by transmittng pressure to another part of a confined fluid?

A hydraulic system multiplies force by transmitting pressure through a confined fluid to another part of the system. This is achieved through the use of hydraulic fluid and pistons that apply force at one point and transmit it to another point within the system.

A machine that increases both speed and distance multiplies the force by?

The force is multiplied by the square of the multiplication factor.

How does a hydraulic device work?

a hydraulic system multiplies a force by applying the force to a small surface area.the increase in pressure is then transmitted to another part of a confined fluid, which pushes on a larger surface area

What multiplies a force by transmiting it to a large surface area?

A hydraulic system multiplies a force by transmitting it to a larger surface area. This is achieved by using a fluid that is enclosed in a system of pipes and cylinders, allowing the force to be transmitted over a larger area, resulting in a greater output force.

What is hydraulic multiplication?

hydraulic multiplication is using incompressible fluids to transfer force from one are to another and in the process multiply the force being transfered. because pressure remains constant in a closed system, such as this, the pressure in the fluid is equal, it is constant, it does not change, therefore the bigger the area, the bigger the force.

What multiplies force by transmitting it to large surface area?

A hydraulic system multiplies force by transmitting it to a large surface area. This is achieved through the use of a hydraulic fluid enclosed in a system of pipes, cylinders, and pistons. When force is applied to a small piston, it results in a larger force at the larger piston due to the difference in surface area, allowing for heavy objects to be lifted or moved with relative ease.

What is the system that multiplies force by transmitting pressure from a small surface area through a confined fluid to a larger surface area?


How can a wedge be considered an inclined plain?

It provides mechanical advantage to an operation in the same way as does an inclined plane. That is, it multiplies force (at the expense of distance).

What kind of systems multiplies by transmitting pressure to another part of a confined fluid?


What kind of system multiplies by transmitting pressure to another part of a contained fluid?

A hydraulic system multiplies force by transmitting pressure through a confined fluid to another part of the system. When force is applied to one part of the fluid, it generates pressure which is then transferred to another part, allowing for amplification of force or movement.

What is the number of times a machine multiplies by force?

The number of times a machine multiplies force is determined by the machine's mechanical advantage. This is calculated by dividing the output force by the input force. The result is the factor by which the machine multiplies force.

Why is force exerted on a small piston multiplied when it acts on a larger piston?

A hydraulic system multiplies force by applying the force to a small surface are. The increase in pressure is then transmitted to another part of the confined fluid, which pushes on a larger surface area