

What is a general loader scheme?

Updated: 8/9/2023
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13y ago

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Loading schemes: 1.Absolute loader. 2.Relocating loader. 3.Direct linking loader. 4.Dynamic Loading. 5.Dynamic linking.

(1 )Absolute loader: The task of an absolute loader is virtually trivial.The loader simply accepts machine language code and places it into main memory specified by the assembler.

(2) Relocating loader: The task of relocating loader is to avoid reassembling of of all subroutines when a subroutine is changed and to perform tasks of allocation and linking for programmer.

(3) Dynamic loading: In order to overlay structure to work it is necessary for the module loader to load the various procedures as they are needed.There are many binders capable of processing and allocating overlay structure.the portion of the laoder that actually intercepts calls and loads necessary procedure is called overlay supervisor of simplly flipper.this overall scheme is called dynamic loading or load on call.

(4) Dynamic linking: This is mechanism by which loading and linking of external references are postponed until execution time.This was made to sort out disadvantage of previous loading schemes like subroutine is referenced and never executed

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13y ago

In general loader scheme the object code is generated first by the translator using source program. Then the object modules are used by the loader to convert it into executable form and load it into the assigned memory location. The loader program occupies main memory.

Nikita Bhatnagar


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What are loaders and discuss various loading schemes with implementation of an absolute loader?

The loader is a program which accepts an object code and prepare them for execution.The loader's target language is machine language, its source language is nearly machine langugae.loading is ultimately bound with storage management function of operating systems and is usually performed later than assembly or compilation.the period of executions of user program is called execution time.the period of translating user's source program is called assembly or compile time. load time refers to the period of loading and preparing object program for execution. Loading schemes: 1.Absolute loader. 2.Relocating loader. 3.Direct linking loader. 4.Dynamic Loading. 5.Dynamic linking. Absolute loader: The task of an absolute loader is virtually trivial.The loader simply accepts machine language code and places it into main memory specified by the assembler. Relocating loader: The task of relocating loader is to avoid reassembling of of all subroutines when a subroutine is changed and to perform tasks of allocation and linking for programmer. Dynamic loading: In order to overlay structure to work it is necessary for the module loader to load the various procedures as they are needed.There are many binders capable of processing and allocating overlay structure.the portion of the laoder that actually intercepts calls and loads necessary procedure is called overlay supervisor of simplly flipper.this overall scheme is called dynamic loading or load on call. Dynamic linking: This is mechanism by which loading and linking of external references are postponed until execution time.This was made to sort out disadvantage of previous loading schemes like subroutine is referenced and never executed Implementation of Absolute loader: The four loader functions are performed as following: 1.Allocation- By programmer 2.Linking- By programmer 3.Relocation- By assembler 4.Loading- By loader

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