

What is a convector?

Updated: 9/14/2023
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16y ago

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A heat exchange device that uses the heat in steam, hot water, or an electric resistance element to warm the air in a room; often called inaccurately, a radiator. Essentially, it's a space heater that transfers heat to the surrounding air by convection. And, just as an interesting side fact, in Roman mythology, the god Convector oversaw the bringing in of the crops from the fields.

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When was The Toynbee Convector created?

The Toynbee Convector was created in 1984-01.

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The fan in a convector is usually a single-phase induction motor.

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Where does air flow into a convector heater?

Air flows into a convector heater through vents or grilles located near the bottom of the unit. This air is then heated by the heating element inside the convector heater before being released back into the room.

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Where can one find a Convector central heating radiator?

Convector central heating radiators can be purchased from many different stores, online and offline. Some examples of these stores include Plumbworld and BuyARadiator.

Where can one buy convector heaters?

Convector heaters can be purchased from many shops, such as Wal-Mart. Local independent electrical shops will stock these appliances also, as well as being able to be purchased online.

On a convector heater where does the air flow into it?

If there is no fan to pull the air in, fresh air must come into a convector heater from below. It is drawn in because the air heated by the heating element is warmer and therefore lighter than the colder air below it. So the warmer air rises to leave the convector heater from the top.

How much does a 2 kilowatt convector heater cost an hour?

To calculate the cost of running a 2 kilowatt convector heater per hour, you need to know the electricity rate charged by your utility company. Let's assume the rate is $0.12 per kilowatt-hour. In this case, running a 2 kilowatt convector heater for an hour would cost $0.24 ($0.12 x 2).

What was invented in Lacrosse County?

The convector radiator. I don't think lacrosse is very big there.

Where can you get a good type of fan convector around 9to12 kw and not to big in size?

Try Grainger.