Circuit parameters can be classified as:
1-- Active or Passive
2-- Linnear or Non-linnear
3-- Unilateral or Bilateral
4-- Lumped or Distributive
1-- Active or Passive:
Those circuit elements that supply energy to an energised circuit are called active circit elements. Eg.: Voltage source, current source,etc.
Note: It is important to note that dependent sources cannot be placed under this category as they depend on the value of current or voltage in any other branch of the network.
Passive circuit elements, on the other hand, are those elements that use up the energy supplied by the active sources and\or do not supply their own energy to the circuit.
Eg.: Resistor, capacitor, inductor, etc.
Note: It is important to note that a capacitor does store energy and also supplies it back to the circuit but this energy is not of its own, instead it's the energy supplied by some active component. Hence, it cannot be placed under the category of active circuit parameters.
Thus an energised network(or a circuit) consists of both active and passive elements.
r parameter is resistance parameter
Linear (Straight) circuit: An electronic circuit where the info sinusoidal flood of recurrence f give a stead state yield. This circuit take after ohms law and the estimation of electronic parts doesn't change with the level of voltage of current in the circuit. Non-Linear (Non direct) circuit: The circuit in which the parameters change as for current and voltage. The parameter esteem like resistance, capacitance, inductance, waveform, recurrence and so on, is not consistent. This circuit doesn't take after ohms law and the v-i attributes are not a straight line.
h-parameter used to find the input and output impedence of the two port network. suppose if u connect a high load at the output port then u should take care that no current from the device will attack the network, to determine that we should know what is the impedance of the circuit.
The target value of a parameter is the perimeter.
explain parameter passing methods c program
what parameter stay the same in LCR circuit ?
small signal operations
In the Z-parameter Equations the independent parameters are Currents i.e., i/p And O/p . therefore to find any of the parameter(Z11,Z12,Z21,Z22) We have to either open circuit the input or the output port .as we are open circuiting any one of the port the Z-parameters Are called as open circuit parameters Got It ! Clear!
It is referred to as a parameter query.It is referred to as a parameter query.It is referred to as a parameter query.It is referred to as a parameter query.It is referred to as a parameter query.It is referred to as a parameter query.It is referred to as a parameter query.It is referred to as a parameter query.It is referred to as a parameter query.It is referred to as a parameter query.It is referred to as a parameter query.
"Vout" typically refers to the output voltage of a circuit or device. It is the voltage level that is generated or present at the output terminal or node of the circuit. Voltage output is a common measurement parameter in electronics and electrical engineering.
No it depends on voltage and circuit resistance and other physical parameter which affect the properties of component used in circuitry like - temperature pressure humidity light(in light sensitive circuit- LDR photo diode,photo transistor,) and other.
what is the parameter of earth
when we use that parameter as a global parameter and we used that parameter through out the program without changing
A parameter is something that limits something else. A parameter is a limit, or a boundary.
Base resistance (Rb) is the resistance seen by the base terminal of a transistor when analyzing its behavior in a circuit. It is a parameter used to model the input impedance of the transistor and is crucial in determining the biasing and signal amplification characteristics of the transistor circuit.
A parameter is like a limit or a specification.
r parameter is resistance parameter