The standard color for any HTML page is Black. Unless you specify otherwise, the browser would display all text inside a web page in black color font. You can specify the font type, color size etc using the <Font> tag that HTML provides us.
Ex: <Font face = "Verdana" color = "Red" size = "10"> will display text in Verdana font, red color and 10 pixels high in size.
The page starts with the HTML start tag Followed by the tags, and goes here Followed by the Tag. The followin HTML will be the content of you web page Followed by closing the Tag, and tags. Here is a sample of a Basic HTML document: the name of the page This is a basic HTML structure. This is where the content goes that will display on your page.
Here is a simple HTML website: <HTML> <title>My first website<title> <body> <body bgcolor=0033FF> <font color=00CCFF> <h1>My website</h1> </font> </body> </HTML>
Dynamic HTML is a combination of HTML tags and interactive web pages. Its basic elements include: an object-oriented view of web elements, cascading style sheets and dynamic fonts.
DHTML is a collection of tags that can allow to create a webpage. It offers more dynamic functions that basic HTML.
<p>Paragraph</> Next Line<br /> <font color="red">This is Red!</font> <b>Bold</b> <i>Italic</i> <strike>Strikethrough</strike> These are the basic HTML tags
Some basic HTML codes are as followed
The basic HTML base to a HTML website is <HTML> <title> </title> <head> </head> <body> </body> </HTML>
The page starts with the HTML start tag Followed by the tags, and goes here Followed by the Tag. The followin HTML will be the content of you web page Followed by closing the Tag, and tags. Here is a sample of a Basic HTML document: the name of the page This is a basic HTML structure. This is where the content goes that will display on your page.
.htm, .html, .xhtml
One can get a color code HTML chart online. A great site too visit is on the site they have every color needed and wanted. The site even teaches users how to use these certain codes to change the color of Html. Lastly the site includes the HTML color code theory.
HTML tags can be made to create a basic webpage. The basic tags with some text can make a webpage in basic format.
There are a number of websites that give information about HTML colors. These include HTML Color Codes, Wikipedia, Color Scheme Designer and Color Hex.
The view of the website in form of HTML is HTML view. It is the basic code you write in text editor.
The only basic computer skill you need to start HTML training is keyboarding.
A printable HTML chart can be found at the site Quackit. They have a comprehensive chart of primary and secondary colors. Also custom and other preset non basic colors can be found here.
Here is a simple HTML website: <HTML> <title>My first website<title> <body> <body bgcolor=0033FF> <font color=00CCFF> <h1>My website</h1> </font> </body> </HTML>