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Root directory.

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Q: What is Topmost directory in unix?
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Related questions

How is Topmost directory in unix represented?

Directory tree structure in Unix always starts at the top node, or "root" node. It contains all of the major level subdirectories underneath it. The root directory is called "/" (root).

How does Unix work as a multi-user operating system?

When a user logs in to a Unix system, the current working directory normally starts at the directory/file

What command is used to list the contents of a directory recursively in Unix?

ls -lR directory

What is the command that will change the current default directory to the root directory in Unix?

CD /

What is the Unix command to display the filesizes of a directory?

Once your in the directory you have to type the following: du -a

What is root directory and how it is represented?

root directory is the top of the directory tree. it is \ on windows (or c:\ d:\ etc.) and / on unix/linux

Every unix directory has at least two hard links why?

The two links are for the current directory (.) and the parent directory (..). This is allow for easy directory traversal.

What is used to see the contents of a directory in Unix?

The ls command.

Where would you find a host file on a unix server?

The host file in Unix is usually located in the /etc directory.

Copy inputfiledat from the project9 directory to the project10 directory in unix?

cp project9/inputfiledat project10 Assuming that you are in a directory that has project9 and project10 as subdirectories.

How do you rename a directory in UNIX?

You rename a directory the same way you rename a file. Use the 'mv' command to rename it.

How do you copy all the files from etc directory to oracle in unix?

You will need to be more clear about the target - is 'oracle' a directory?