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sum from{-infinity } to{infinity } ({1} over {2 * pi } )(int (abs{X(func e^{jw})})^2 )dw

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Q: What is Parseval's theorem for continuous time aperiodic signal?
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What is the difference between periodic and aperiodic signals?

A signal which repeats itself after a specific interval of time is called periodic signal. A signal which does not repeat itself after a specific interval of time is called aperiodic signal.A signals that repeats its pattern over a period is called periodic signal,A signal that does not repeats its pattern over a period is called aperiodic signal or non periodic.Both the Analog and Digital can be periodic or aperiodic. but in data communication periodic analog sigals and aperiodic digital signals are used.

How does the Sampling rate affect frequency?

In signal processing, sampling is the reduction of a continuous signal to a discrete signal. A common example is the conversion of a sound wave (a continuous signal) to a sequence of samples (a discrete-time signal).

Is continuous signals has no amplitudes?

By definition a continuous signal is just that continuous to have no amplitude is to mean it doesn't exists

What is an analog signal and a digital signal?

An analog signal is one which is continuous in time as well as continuous in amplitude . Example : sine wave, cosine wave. An Digital signal is one which is continuous in discrete in time. Example : square waves.

Classification of Continuous Time signals and Discrete time signals?

we often confuse our-self with continuous time and analog signals. An analog signal is a signal which can take any amplitude in continuous range that is signal amplitude can take infinite values on the other hand a digital signal is one whose amplitude can take only finite numbers of values THE TERM CONTINUOUS SIGNAL AND DISCRETE SIGNAL CLASSIFY THE SIGNALS ALONG THE TIME (i.e. horizontal axis) where as THE TERM ANALOG AND DIGITAL SIGNAL CLASSIFY THE SIGNAL ALONG THE AMPLITUDE (i.e vertical axis)

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What is the difference between periodic and aperiodic signals?

A signal which repeats itself after a specific interval of time is called periodic signal. A signal which does not repeat itself after a specific interval of time is called aperiodic signal.A signals that repeats its pattern over a period is called periodic signal,A signal that does not repeats its pattern over a period is called aperiodic signal or non periodic.Both the Analog and Digital can be periodic or aperiodic. but in data communication periodic analog sigals and aperiodic digital signals are used.

Why cannot aperiodic signal be represented using fourier series?

An aperiodic signal cannot be represented using fourier series because the definition of fourier series is the summation of one or more (possibly infinite) sine wave to represent a periodicsignal. Since an aperiodic signal is not periodic, the fourier series does not apply to it. You can come close, and you can even make the summation mostly indistinguishable from the aperiodic signal, but the math does not work.

What is the reason of using aperiodic digital signal in data communication?


What is the signal type is characterized by continuous amplitudes in continuous time?

An analog signal is characterized by continuous amplitudes and continuous time.

Statement of sampling theorem?

sampling theorem is used to know about sample signal.

Is Nyquist theorem true for optical fiber?

I cannot see where the Nyquist theorem relates to cables, fiber or not.The theorem I know, the Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem, talks about the limitations in sampling a continuous (analog) signal at discrete intervals to turn it into digital form.An optical fiber or other cable merely transport bits, there is no analog/digital conversion and no sampling taking place.

Digital signal is continuous?


Is the frequency domain plot of a voice signal discrete or continuous?

The frequency domain of a voice signal is normally continuous because voice is a nonperiodic signal.

A digital signal differs from an analog signal because it?

it is continuous

How does the Sampling rate affect frequency?

In signal processing, sampling is the reduction of a continuous signal to a discrete signal. A common example is the conversion of a sound wave (a continuous signal) to a sequence of samples (a discrete-time signal).

Difference between linear and circular convolution?

circular convolution is used for periodic and finite signals while linear convolution is used for aperiodic and infinite signals. In linear convolution we convolved one signal with another signal where as in circular convolution the same convolution is done but in circular pattern ,depending upon the samples of the signal

Is continuous signals has no amplitudes?

By definition a continuous signal is just that continuous to have no amplitude is to mean it doesn't exists