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Q: What is One of the major sources for heat gain on a structure is the?
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What can serve as modes of both heat gain and heat loss from the body?

There are two sources by which heat is produced in our body.Endogenous sources and Exogenous sources.Endogenous sources heat by our metabolic and muscle activity. Exogenous sources heat when the environmental temperature exceeds our body temperature and that is transferred to our body.

What are the major sources of heat?

lava, the sun, possibly elictric radiation from the sun

What are 2 categories of heat sources?

Two categories of heat sources are natural heat sources and artificial heat sources. Natural heat sources include the sun, geothermal energy, and volcanic activity. Artificial heat sources include electric heaters, gas heaters, and oil heaters.

What is the difference between heat gain and heat loss?

Heat gain refers to the process of gaining heat, typically from external sources like sunlight or equipment. Heat loss, on the other hand, refers to the process of losing heat, either through conduction, convection, or radiation. Both processes are important to consider in maintaining thermal comfort in a building.

Which of earth's early sources of heat are not major contributors to earth's present-day internal energy?

The sun

What are the sources of internal heat?

Main sources of internal heat are Magmatism and Radioactivity.

What heat sources causes burns?

All heat sources. Plus extreme cold sources cause burns.

Are all heat sources are light sources?


Is evaporation heat gain or heat loss?

For what?It requires a heat gain for the water,but a heat loss for whatever the water is in contact with.

Can heat be negative?

Sure, if one object loses heat, another will gain it.However, it might then be called heat gain.

Can evaporation happen without heat?

Yes, evaporation can happen without heat. Evaporation occurs when molecules gain enough energy to escape the surface of a liquid and become a gas. This energy can come from sources other than heat, such as wind or low pressure.

Is precipitation heat loss or heat gain?

heat loss