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it is a device in which chain reaction is initiate or controlled $generate heat energy typcially for power

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Q: What is Nuclear reactors and it's parts and functions?
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Functions of nuclear reactors?

One of the primary functions of a nuclear reactor is to maintain a chain reaction. Also, nuclear reactors are meant to provide a steady flow of neutrons.

What process do nuclear reactors use?

Nuclear reactors use nuclear fission.

How are nuclear reactors used in nuclear reactors?

Nuclear reactors use controlled nuclear fission reactions to generate heat, which is then used to produce steam that drives turbines to generate electricity. The heat is produced in the reactor core where nuclear fuel rods containing uranium or plutonium undergo fission reactions. The reactor's cooling system helps regulate the temperature and prevent overheating.

What are the functions of nuclear reactors?

Primarily, nuclear reactors are used to generate heat, which is used to flash water to steam, which is used to spin turbines, which are used to generate electricity. It is also possible to use reactors for research, as well as for weapons development, such as in the generation of weapons grade Plutonium-239.

What nuclear reaction is currently used to produce nuclear energy in nuclear reactors?

We use nuclear fission in nuclear reactors to tap nuclear energy.

How many nuclear reactors are in the world?

There are over 400 nuclear reactors around the world.

What is the bad things about the nuclear power reactors?

there are no bad things about the nuclear power reactors

How many nuclear reactors does France have?

France has 56 nuclear reactors in operation. This makes France one of the countries with the highest reliance on nuclear energy in the world.

Are there more fast breeder or thermal nuclear reactors?

Most nuclear reactors are thermal-neutron reactors. A few fast breeder reactors have been built, but not many.

What are the sources of nuclear reactors?

Nuclear reactors are built. Therefore the source is the country that commissioned and built them.

What is about nuclear reactors that evokes hope in some and dread in others?

nuclear reactors that evokes dread

Where does nuclear power happen?

In nuclear reactors