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If it is an unbalanced binary tree, O( ln( n ) / ln( 2 ) ) is best-case. Worst case is O( n ).

If it is balanced, worst case is O( ln( n ) / ln( 2 ) ).

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Q: What is Efficiency of Binary Search tree operations?
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Does binary tree and binary search tree same?

no they are not same

What is complexity of binary search tree?

The complexity of binary search tree : Search , Insertion and Deletion is O(h) . and the Height can be of O(n) ( if the tree is a skew tree). For Balanced Binary Trees , the Order is O(log n).

How do you print all data in a Binary Search Tree?

By using Depth First Search or Breadth First search Tree traversal algorithm we can print data in Binary search tree.

What are the applications of avl tree?

Binary Search Tree and AVL Tree are dictionary data structures. They are used for many search operations and also those operations where data is constantly inserted and deleted. AVL trees provide a better efficiency than BST as they maintain their upper bound of O(n*log n) through rotations.Eg: the map and set library in c++ isimplementedusing trees.

What is the different between a binary search tree and a binary tree?

self depend friend"s............

Is sorting a binary search tree simple?

A binary search tree is already ordered. An in order traversal will give you a sorted list of nodes.

What is the use of binary?

Binary trees are commonly used to implement binary search tree and binary heaps.

What is binary search in data structure using c?

a tree which has atmost two nodes is called binary tree binary search tree is a binary tree which satisfies the following 1.every node in tree must be distinct 2.values in right subtree > value at root 3.values in left subtree < value at root 4.left,right subtrees must be binary search trees

Why we don't use m way search tree instead of binary search tree?

Well, you might if you want to.

What is the height of binary search tree in worst case?

In the worst case a binary search tree is linear and has a height equal to the number of nodes. so h=O(h).

Is B tree a Binary Search Tree?

Yes because there is no real practical use for a binary tree other than something to teach in computer science classes. A binary tree is not used in the real world, a "B tree" is.

Difference between B-tree and Binomial search tree?

A B-tree is a kind of tree data structure which is a generalization of a binary search tree where each node can have more than two children and contain more than 1 value. A Binominal search tree I am not sure of. If you mean Binary search tree, then it is an abstract data structure. Binominal is a term usually used with distributions while Binary is usually used with data. Hope this helps.