Caml (originally an acronym for Categorical Abstract Machine Language) is a dialect of the ML programming language family, developed at INRIA and formerly at ENS.
Microsoft Office SharePoint Services is programmed in the framework using C# as the programming language.
•Attributes define the characteristics of a class. •The set of values of an attribute of a particular object is called its state. •In Class Program attribute can be a string or it can be a integer LEarn Design Pattern,C#,ASP.NET,LINQ,Sharepoint,WCF,WPF,WWF
An object is an instance of a class by which we can access a number variable and a member function. It is a blue print of a class. It is a basic runtime entity of an object oriented programming. Object contain data and code to manupulate that data. When a program is exicuted the object interact by sending message to one another.
ABCAdaAlgol 60Algol 68APLArcAssemblyAwkBASICBatchBCPLBefungeBETACC++C--C# (pronounced C-sharp)CHILLClipperCobolCobolScriptComponent PascalCycloneDDATABUSEuphoriaForthFortranFree PascalGNU PascalIconIDLJalJavaScriptJovialLagoonaLedaLimboLuam4MapleMathematicaMATLABModula-2Modula-3MumpsOberonObjective Caml (OCaml)OccamOz-MozartPascalPerlPHPPLPL/1PliantPL/SQLPostScriptPowerBuilderProteusREBOLRexxS-LangSmall CSnobolTcl-TkT3XVBAVisual BasicVisual DialogScriptYorickNote: Some of these languages, such as PHP, Perl, Caml/OCaml, and IDL also support object oriented programming. Others on the list (C++, JavaScript, C# ) are primarily object-oriented languages which can also (though less commonly) be used to program procedurally.Some are macro or scripting languages (Rexx, Awk, m4) which, while they do support some procedural concepts, aren't really procedural languages, but rather interpreted streams.Also note that Assembly is NOT a high-level language, and generally is not considered a procedural language, as it doesn't have enough abstraction.Finally, traditional COBOL is NOT a procedural language (in fact, one of the long-standing criticism of it is that it lacks any structured programming characteristics). Current-day COBOL has some ability to use procedural programming concepts, but, overall, should not be considered a real procedural language. SNOBOL is similar, in that the original version were certainly not procedural in nature, but modern versions are much more structured programming friendly (and can be considered a procedural language).
Polymorphism means "having many forms", and is used to mean that two different object types (ex. LinkedList and ArrayList) can be used as if they were the same type.In Java polymorphism takes the form of subclassing: Make both LinkedList and ArrayList inherit from List (extend a common superclass or implement a common interface), and the code can call List methods without caring about which particular type of list it is working on.This is polymorphism since two different types (LinkedList and ArrayList) can be treated as one type (List).In duck-typing, used for example in Ruby and JavaScript, types need not have a common supertype to be treated the same, they need only have methods with the same name. (Hash, String and Array might all have a method "size". If so, code that uses only this method can treat all three types as the same.)Both of these mechanisms let the programmer treat different types as the same type, so both are examples of polymorphism.
Caml (originally an acronym for Categorical Abstract Machine Language) is a dialect of the ML programming language family, developed at INRIA and formerly at ENS.
Caml was created in 1985.
Caml. Or, if you prefer, Camel.
SharePoint Migration. SharePoint Archive & Restore. SharePoint Export. SharePoint Metadata Manager. SharePoint Governance & Reporting. SharePoint Data Integration. SharePoint Security Reporting (App)
Before you create a SharePoint site, you create a web application in SharePoint which creates a IIS site in the backend. Then that IIS site is controlled by the SharePoint software to provision more SharePoint sites within it. Application Pool helps to create multiple sites within a SharePoint site.
SharePoint Server 7
Sharepoint administrator training prepares you for your certification test. This will also help keep you up to date on new sharepoint techniques which you will then be able to implement in the continuous sharepoint administration.
Create a new calendar entry in the SharePoint calendar in Outlook and then update the SharePoint site
The first version of Microsoft SharePoint Server was 2001. The latest at time of writing, released to RTM last week is SharePoint 2013. 12 years then.
Here's a step-by-step guide to help you get started with SharePoint development: Familiarize Yourself with SharePoint: Understand what SharePoint is and its key features. SharePoint is a web-based platform used for collaboration, document management, and more. Learn the Basics of Web Development: Gain a good understanding of web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, as they form the foundation of SharePoint development. Understand SharePoint Development Technologies: Learn about SharePoint's development stack, including SharePoint Framework (SPFx), SharePoint Add-ins, SharePoint REST API, and SharePoint Designer. Choose a Development Approach: Decide which development approach suits your needs, whether it's client-side development using SPFx, server-side development, or a combination of both. Get a SharePoint Development Environment: Set up a development environment. This could be a SharePoint Online tenant, SharePoint on-premises, or a local development environment using tools like SharePoint Framework Yeoman generator. Explore SharePoint Framework (SPFx): SPFx is a popular development framework for creating client-side web parts and extensions. Learn how to create web parts and extensions using SPFx. Use SharePoint Add-ins (formerly Apps): Understand how to create SharePoint Add-ins to extend the capabilities of SharePoint. SharePoint Add-ins can be built using various technologies like HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. Learn SharePoint REST API: Familiarize yourself with SharePoint's REST API, which allows you to interact with SharePoint data and services using standard web technologies. Practice and Build Projects: Create small projects and web parts to practice your skills and reinforce your understanding of SharePoint development. Join the SharePoint Developer Community: Engage with the SharePoint developer community through forums, blogs, and events. This can help you stay updated with the latest developments and best practices. Stay Updated and Keep Learning: SharePoint is an evolving platform, so make it a habit to keep up with the latest updates, new features, and advancements in SharePoint development. Remember, starting with SharePoint development requires patience and continuous learning. Don't hesitate to refer to official Microsoft documentation, online tutorials, and community resources to enhance your skills.
Microsoft SharePoint 2013; plain & simple by Johnathan Lightfoot. Published by Microsoft Press is the best book for sharepoint 2013.
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