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Q: What inventions help humans survive in the desert?
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Why are inventions important?

Inventions are important because they help humans survive. An invention is a new tool or process that serves a useful purpose or does that better than earlier inventions. Several related inventions often create a new technology (i.e. a set of tools, the knowledge to make such tools, and the infrastructure needed to maintain and use these tools).

What characteristic does a lizard have which help it survive in a desert?


How does a orchid help humans survive?

it helps infections.

How can humans help orcas survive?

To help orca survive, humans can leave the orca alone, stop fishing, stop polluting, stop driving power boats.

How does the tiger skin help the animal to survive in the desert?

Tigers to not live in deserts.

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What helps a parakeet survive?

The three main things that help humans to survive or the three necessities:FoodWaterShelter

How do the small leaves of the Ocotillo desert plant help it survive?

search it up on google

How does the horned lizard survive in the desert?

Texas horned lizards survive in the desert with the help of their scaley skin ans since they are cold-blooded they purposely lay out in the sun to warm themselves up.

How does the use of burrows help meerkats survive in the desert?

It gives them shelter and they are safe from predators that way

How do humans help the Dugongs survive in their own environment?

how do dugongs communicate with other animals and humans

How do humans help soft bodied marine animals survive?

we can open our mouths