

What ia a prototype?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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15y ago

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A prototype is a working example of what something will be e.g. a car or a computer system. It is designed to demonstrate to funding sources or company managers how a project to develop new products will look.

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15y ago
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15y ago

A prototype is something that is made to test out the real thing. Its like a alpha or beta phase in making something.

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. . . . . ..PrototypE.. . . . . .

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Why use CNC Model?

Why we keep using CNC milling process for prototype? The answer is pretty simple. that's the only way to get real material for testing. We make plastic prototype like ABS prototype, PC prototype, PC/ABS prototype PP /POM /PA/PA GF30%/PPS/PEEK prototype… Rather than that, we also provide metal prototype like, aluminum prototype, steel/brass /zinc /magnesium /titanium prototype and so on. In a word, we mill all the material which available in the market.For further Prototype information, visit 3E Rapid Prototyping official blog .

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