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some safety concerns about electrical engineering are that you are working with a lot of electricity so if you shock yourself that it could cause major or even fatal problems. another concern is that if you spill liquid on a computer for example a cup of tea of coffee when your on your lunch break can destroy the computer and if you touching the computer you can get injured.

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Q: What health and safety issues are involved in computer engineering?
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Can you Relate bioethics to the continued development of genetic engineering techniques?

Bioethics is the study of ethical issues related to DNA technology. Many scientists and nonscientists are involved in identifying and addressing any ethical, legal, and social issues that may arise as genetic engineering techniques continue to be developed. Source-Modern Biology. Holt, Rinehart, Winston

What are the roles of material science and material engineering in engineering fields?

This segment of engineering covers a broad spectrum of chemistry, physics and electrical engineering issues.

What are the Social issues relating genetic engineering?

there are many issues dealing with genetic engineering, most people who go through genetic therapy come out with a disease, when they didn't before

Topics related to nanotechnology?

Nanotechnology can be both be applied to health related issues and engineering. Many companies are now trying to develop this technology to help improve hospitals procedures as well as robotics.

What is diff between computer engineering and computers science engineering?

In computer science and software engineering;Here is a quick overview of the three computing majors that our department offers. I teach primarily software engineering courses so it may be a bit biased.1. Computer Science covers the core concepts and technologies involved with how to make a computer do something. Learning to program a computer by writing software is essential, and computer programming is used in most computer science courses. You will learn details about how computers and networks work, but with an emphasis on how software and programming languages work. You will learn how to make them do very sophisticated things (e.g. graphics, robotics, databases, operating systems). You will also learn about the theory behind how and why computers and software work. In your senior project, you will tackle a problem at the frontier of computer science. You may be building a new system, discovering better ways to design software, or developing new algorithms for projects in entirely different fields; it's up to you. Past student projects include: Video Games, computer modeling and animation tools, and a Linux driver for the Wii remote.2. Computer Engineering teaches you how to design systems that include both computer hardware and software. You will take classes on how computer hardware works and how to build a computer. You'll take software classes with an emphasis on hardware-related software such as device drivers and operating systems. Computer engineering courses are taught by faculty from both the computer science and the electrical engineering departments. Working computer engineers design computers and the basic software that runs them, including both personal computers and the "embedded" computer systems that run cars, aircraft, videogames, etc.3. Software Engineering focuses on how to design and build software in teams. You will take many of the same courses as you would in computer science, but you will take additional courses that teach you about topics like requirements engineering, software architecture, software testing, and software deployment. You will learn about working with people (communication, management, working with non-technical customers), processes for developing software, and how to measure and analyze the software product and the software process. The software engineering major requires that you take a three course (nine-month long) sequence called the software engineering capstone. The capstone courses are centered around a large project for an outside customer. In recent years we have built web applications for Intuit (makers of Quicken, QuickBooks, and TurboTax) and Amgen (a bio-engineering/pharmaceutical company). Students work in teams of four or five people to elicit and develop requirements for the system, design an architecture, build prototypes, implement the system, then deploy and maintain the system.Answer-Computer Science- Computer science is becoming a rapidly growing discipline as the technological age advances. Computer scientists believe that computers are a fundamental part of the world and that an age will come when everybody has several computers. It is a more complex field than simply building computers or writing programs. Computer scientists study problems to determine if they can be computed, compare algorithms to decide on the best solution, create programming languages to express these algorithms, design and build computer systems to execute specifications from research, and apply algorithms to application domains, or sets of software systems that share design features.Software Engineering- Software engineering is the computer science discipline concerned with developing large applications. Software engineering covers not only the technical aspects of building software systems, but also management issues, such as directing programming teams, scheduling, and budgeting.

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