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Q: What header file contains mathematical functions in c?
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What is iosteram in c plus plus?

The <iostream> include file is a header file that contains the prototype declarations of functions that provide the basic input/output mechanisms in C++. The <iostream> header file sets up the objects that initialize the basic input/output pathways, cout and cin.

What is dos.h?

A non-standard C header file that contained functions specific to accessing functions of MS-DOS. There is no need to use this header file, as there are standard libraries included in all major compilers that replace the functions in DOS.H.

Difference between library file and header file?

EX: pgm #include<stdio.h> main() { printf("haiii"); } Header file: (1) contains the function(printf) declaration (2) during preprocessing, the printf function is replaced by the function declaration Library file : (1) contains the function(printf) definition (2) during linking, the function declaration is replaced with the function definition.obviously, everything will be in object while linking

Why you use header files in c?

the use of header files is to add functionality. Header files are basically saying put code in that header file here so you don't have to type that many lines of code.

Can Header file be called in main function or not?

No, main.c does not require a header file. When you have a ".c" and ".h" pair, the ".h" file is to declare the existence of functions that are defined in the ".c" files so that these functions can be called in other files. since "main.c" needs the headers of the other modules (to access their data types and functions) but usually doesn't have a header file itself.Header files aren't "called", they are "included",but usually not inside any function.

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Which header file contains mathematical functions?


Why you use includemath.h header file in c?

Because it contains definitions of mathematical functions such as cos, sin, tan, power (pow) and so on. Thus if you want to use mathematical functions in your programs you have to include math.h

Is header file the library file?

No. Header files are those which contains declaration part of function & library files are those which contains definition part of function. These are those functions which we called in our program by using header files.

Difference between header file and library file?

A header file is normally used for declarations to provide an interface that can be included into a source file that wants to use the functions/variables that have been declared. If the header file contains function prototypes, it will usually have a corresponding source file that defines the functions. /* example.h */ #define bTRUE 1 #define bFALSE 0 typedef int BOOL BOOL bEvenNumber(unsigned int uiNumber); /* example.c */ #include "example.h" BOOL bEvenNumber( unsigned int uiNumber) { return (uiNumber & 1) ? bFALSE : bTRUE; }

What is headderfile in c language?

Header File in C/C++ are the files which contains the definition of the pre-defined functions, data-types & constants, etc. By adding the header file you reduce your job of defining the same functions which are defined earlier by someone else & you can use those functions/data-types easily.

What is the header files from random functions?

The header file for random functions ( like rand(), srand() ) is stdlib.h in C and cstdlib in C++.

What is iosteram in c plus plus?

The <iostream> include file is a header file that contains the prototype declarations of functions that provide the basic input/output mechanisms in C++. The <iostream> header file sets up the objects that initialize the basic input/output pathways, cout and cin.

What is dos.h?

A non-standard C header file that contained functions specific to accessing functions of MS-DOS. There is no need to use this header file, as there are standard libraries included in all major compilers that replace the functions in DOS.H.

Difference between library file and header file?

EX: pgm #include<stdio.h> main() { printf("haiii"); } Header file: (1) contains the function(printf) declaration (2) during preprocessing, the printf function is replaced by the function declaration Library file : (1) contains the function(printf) definition (2) during linking, the function declaration is replaced with the function definition.obviously, everything will be in object while linking

What is the importance of header file?

A header file is a library of a no. of functions, which could be used (once or more than once) in some or the other programs. Thus, instead of defining all functions separately we can assemble them in a single library, the header file. These can be predefined or user defined. Hence, it reduces the line of codes and also the complexity.

Why you use header file namely stdlib?

It contains useful function-prototypes.

Why you use header files in c?

the use of header files is to add functionality. Header files are basically saying put code in that header file here so you don't have to type that many lines of code.