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Q: What happens when a magnet is kept stationary in the middle of the coil?
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Can a static magnet induce an emf in a stationary coil of wire?

No. In order to induce an EMF, the coil and the magnet must be moving in relation to each other.

Can you accelerate a stationary charged particle witha magnetic field or an electric field and please explain?

Yes.You must understand that magnetic fields induce electric fields 90 degrees out of phase (or perpendicular) to them, and vice versa.A charged particle will want to move one way or another when put within an electric / magnetic field, because the field will provide a push or pull on that particle in a specific direction.The easiest physical way to view this is with two magnets - imagine a small stationary magnet. If you take another magnet and hold it close to the stationary magnet, the second magnet will be creating a magnetic field that will either push the stationary magnet away or draw it closer. The same thing can be done by creating an electromagnet (push current through a coil of wire near the stationary magnet).

What happens when a permanent magnet moving coil instrument be connected in an ac current?

The torque on the moving coil will reverse at twice the frequency of the supply, causing the pointer to vibrate. High-quality a.c. measuring instruments that incorporate a moving coil are, of course, common but incorporate a rectification circuit to supply the coil.

Describe two ways to induce a larger voltage when you move a magnet in a coil of wires?

Speed of movement of coil and the number of turns in the coil

If a magnet is held close to a coil of wire will it cause current to flow?

Yes, but only if the magnet or the wire are kept moving.

Related questions

Can a static magnet induce an emf in a stationary coil of wire?

No. In order to induce an EMF, the coil and the magnet must be moving in relation to each other.

What happens if a direct current is put through a coil suspended between the poles of a magnet?

The coil will align itself with the magnetic field (poles) of the magnet.

What happens when a magnet is pushed into the coil during an experiment to demonstrate electromagnetic induction?

-- While the magnet is moving, there is a voltage between the ends of the coil and, if there's any connection between the ends, then there's a current in the coil. -- When the magnet stops moving, all of that goes away. -- When the magnet is pulled out, it all happens again, but with the opposite polarity.

When was Magnet's Coil created?

Magnet's Coil was created in 1995.

What happens to the electric current if the magnet no longer moves in the coil?

The electrical current stops flowing.

What happens when a magnet is moved towards a coil?

You will generate electricity. As the wire cuts through the magnetic field.As the magnet is moved, there will be an induced electro-motive force (EMF) which can cause a current in the coil. Once the magnet stops moving, the current will go to zero.

What happens when a coil of wire cuts through a magnetic field?

If the magnetic field is fluctuating, or the coil of wire and magnetic field are moving with respect to each other, then a current is induced in the coil of wire. If the two are stationary and the magnetic field is stable, then no current is induced in the coil. However, if there is a current in the coil, from another source, then the coil and the field will exhibit a relative force that will tend to move the coil with respect to the field.

Can you accelerate a stationary charged particle witha magnetic field or an electric field and please explain?

Yes.You must understand that magnetic fields induce electric fields 90 degrees out of phase (or perpendicular) to them, and vice versa.A charged particle will want to move one way or another when put within an electric / magnetic field, because the field will provide a push or pull on that particle in a specific direction.The easiest physical way to view this is with two magnets - imagine a small stationary magnet. If you take another magnet and hold it close to the stationary magnet, the second magnet will be creating a magnetic field that will either push the stationary magnet away or draw it closer. The same thing can be done by creating an electromagnet (push current through a coil of wire near the stationary magnet).

What happens to the cone when the coil becomes a magnet?

When a coil becomes a magnet, the magnetic field it produces interacts with the magnetic field of the cone. This interaction can cause the cone to vibrate or move, creating sound waves and producing sound in a speaker system.

Differences between Permanent magnet moving coil and moving iron?

Permanent magnet moving coil (PMMC) instruments use a moving coil that is suspended between the poles of a permanent magnet, whereas moving iron instruments use a stationary coil and a moving iron piece that moves within the coil's magnetic field. PMMC instruments are more accurate but have limited range, while moving iron instruments are less accurate but can measure higher currents. PMMC instruments are inherently more expensive compared to moving iron instruments.

What happens when a magnet moves in a coil wire?

When a magnet moves in a coil of wire, it induces an electric current in the wire through electromagnetic induction. This phenomenon is described by Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction. The induced current flows in the wire in response to the changing magnetic field produced by the moving magnet.

What Is cross coil gauge?

This type of gauge has an armature (magnet) that is mounted on the pointer shaft. The armature is surrounded by the stationary cross coils. These three coils are wound across each other