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All of the light bulbs in the series circuit would go out.

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Series means one device is connected to another device and so forth . for this configuration to work all devices in the circuit must be active in some sort for it to work as a circuit.

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Q: What happens when one light bulb burns out in a series circuit?
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What happens if a Christmas light connected in series burns out?

If they are connected in series if one light burns out, the whole string turns off.

When one light on a string of lights burns out and the entire string turn off this indicates to us that the lights are wired In a?

series circuit. In a series circuit, the current flows through each light bulb in sequence. If one bulb burns out, it breaks the circuit and all the bulbs after it will not receive power.

What happens to the current in the other lights if one light burns out in a series circuit?

It depends what is the outcome of burning. If that light has created open circuit, circuit will break and there will not be any current. But if there is short circuit means overall resistance is decreased. Thus current will increase. Besides overall brightness will also increase. Thus, if in a series lesser the number of bulbs more will be brightness.

What happens in a series circuit if a light blows?

The circuit current is interrupted and all the lights will go out.

What happens if you take a device out of a series circuit?

the light bulb gives off more light

What happens when a light bulb is broken in a series circuit?

In a series circuit, when a light bulb is broken, it creates an open circuit which stops the flow of current throughout the circuit. As a result, all the other light bulbs in the circuit will also stop working because they are all connected in a series.

When several light bulbs are connected in a series circuit what will happen if on bulb burns out?

Hmm. well, it's a series circuit, so I would think they would potentially follow after the one that went out, right?? Yeah, for sure!

What happens if you unscrew a light bulb in a series circuit?

If you unscrew a light bulb in a series circuit, it will cause an open circuit, which will break the flow of current in the circuit. As a result, all other bulbs in the series circuit will also turn off because there is no longer a complete path for the electricity to flow.

What happens if one bulb in a series circuit burned out?

In a series circuit, all bulbs are necessary to complete the circuit. If one bulb goes out, the circuit is broken, so none of the bulbs would light up.

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What happens if one light bulb out burns out in set of lights in parallel circuit

How did Egyptians writing differ from Sumerians writing?

What happens if one light bulb out burns out in set of lights in parallel circuit

Will a circuit with two light bulbs in series light up?

Yes, a circuit with two light bulbs connected in series can light up. Current flows through the first light bulb, then through the second, allowing both bulbs to illuminate. If one bulb burns out, however, both bulbs will go out.