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If a nuclear reactor leaked you would have to evacuate the area around the plant and you would attempt to stop the leak and probably depending on the severeity level of the situation you may need to 'SCRAM' the reactor.

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Q: What happens if nuclear reactor leaks?
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Which section of a nuclear reactor does nuclear fission occurs?

The fission happens in the fuel, which is usually in fuel rods inside the reactor. The rods are spaced at a particular distance apart and fill the reactor.

What are nuclear leaks?

Nuclear leaks refer to the release of radioactive material from a nuclear facility into the surrounding environment due to accidents, equipment failures, or human error. These leaks can pose serious health and environmental risks, leading to contamination of air, water, and soil. Efforts to contain and mitigate these leaks are crucial to minimize their impact on public health and safety.

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A reactor does not produce what?

Carbon dioxide, oxides of sulfur and nitrogen, acetylene, methane, cyanides, and many more. The main concerns for a nuclear reactor are the potential for radiation leaks and the warming of adjacent waterways.

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What is nuclear reactor kinetics?

Nuclear reactor kinetics is the branch of reactor engineering and reactor physics and control that deals with long term time changes in reactor fuel and nuclear reactors.

Which section of a nuclear reactor does nuclear fission occur?

Nuclear fission occurs in the reactor core of a nuclear reactor. This is where nuclear fuel, typically uranium, is arranged in such a way that it sustains a chain reaction of splitting atoms, releasing energy in the process.

Are control rods of nuclear reactors used to stop a leak?

No, control rods in nuclear reactors are not used to stop leaks. Control rods are used to regulate the power output of the reactor by absorbing neutrons and controlling the rate of nuclear fission. To stop a leak in a nuclear reactor, different containment and safety systems are employed to isolate and contain the leak.

How many days does a breeder reactor require to produce plutonium-239 from uranium-238?

It is a continuous instantaneous process that happens in the nuclear breeder reactor.

Does South Africa has a nuclear reactor?

yes, south Africa has a nuclear reactor.