A farmer, or a plowman (in Britain, a ploughman)
The seed drill improved society because it took less time for the farmer to plow and plant, as it did both. Before the seed drill, he would have to plow then plant.
The steel plow was used to turn the top layer of soil, covering up the previous years plant matter and giving the farmer fresh black soil for the next years crop.
john plow
John deere invented the steel plow in 1837
A farmer, or a plowman (in Britain, a ploughman)
He can plow his field, and get his crops.
They can plow fields.
It is a scientific fact that jerry is most definitely a Midwestern plow-farmer, geological evidence shows that he did in fact have a plow farm. recent photos of his Amish like beard do nothing more then reinforce these facts. Questions still remain weather he is a queer Midwestern plow farmer.
The plow, pulled by an animal or a machine enables a farmer to till a large area of ground in preparation for the planting of crops. Using a plow the farmer can till a much greater area then he could by hand digging.
Plough is the British spelling of the American variation Plow. "The farmer needs to plough the field."
because they dig in soil
What are the uses of wooden plough
The steel plow helps the great plains in many ways. The steel plow made farmer life easier with planting crops.
Someone has to hire you to plow for them, and someone has to hire you as a harvester.
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