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Many factors affect welding depth and penetration, including voltage, material being welded, current, distance from electron gun, vacuum, cleanliness, filament current, and focus.

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Q: What factor mainly defect welding depth in electron beam welding?
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What type of welding machine use in spot welding or resistance welding?

Mainly In spot welding & resistance welding two type welding machines are used :- 1. Air Cooled & 2. water Cooled.

How do you weld a bike?

This depends mainly on three things. One is the thickness of the metal. Another is the kind of metal, and third is what type of joint you're welding. The easiest machine to use is a wire feed welder. If welding aluminum, be sure to use a spool gun or it will likely clog the lines. If you don't know what settings to use for the thickness and type of metal you are welding, it's a good idea to test it first on a scrap piece of similar type an thickness. Also, be sure to strength test the weld after it is completed especially if it is in a load bearing joint. If you are unfamiliar with the welding process, it's best to educate yourself on the process itself first before attempting to weld anything of value.

Can nitrogen be used to purge gas pipes before welding?

Yes, and No, Nitrogen can be used to purge gas lines prior to welding, but the correct answer depends on several things, mainly, your welding application. A significant amount of resistance welding applications use N2 as a suitable environment for welding. Other applications use N2 as a purge gas, and then purge the N2 with the process gas. That said, if you were going to be using a different inert gas (Argon, Helium, Xenon, etc.) to provide the actual the actual shield for the weld, then you would still need to displace (purge) the N2 from the lines. The last statement leads to the question of; if you are going to have to purge the lines anyway, why do it twice? The answer to this question is pretty basic. Nitrogen is cheap. If you had to purge a lot of lines, or a large volume of space, you would rather use N2 to drive out the Oxygen and lower the dew point (moisture). Using one of the other welding gases would cost about ten times as much to perform the operation.

Why are steels more difficult to cast than a cast iron?

mainly because during the welding process cast iron; being brittle, is prone to cracking. ways to prevents this are to preheat the whole piece to cherry red and when completed allow it to slow cool by wrapping in rock wool.

What is single phase power factor meter?

Power Factor applies to all A.C.(alternating current) power supplies. It ma not be apparent when a purely resistive load is applied as this offers a PF of 1.0 but any other load type will have a power factor somewhere between 0.0 and 1.0.

Related questions

What type of welding machine use in spot welding or resistance welding?

Mainly In spot welding & resistance welding two type welding machines are used :- 1. Air Cooled & 2. water Cooled.

What are welding goggles?

Welding Goggles are goggles you wear when you are welding something to protect your eyes and around your eyes from sparks and tiny hot metal peices that can burn your eye. They are mainly for safety. Hope I helped@

What are welding leads used for?

Welding leads, or cables, are mainly used as a secondary connection used where the power supply doesn't exceed 600 volts. For more information, one can visit aerolexcables.

What services does the company Lincoln Welders provide to consumers?

The Lincoln Welders provide services for welding machine parts that include automation and fume extraction systems. They focus mainly on the welding of electrical machinery.

What are charges of particles?

It depends what particles. The electron mainly has - charges for example.

What are the charges of the particles?

It depends what particles. The electron mainly has - charges for example.

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Socket weld joints are an easy and fast method of weld joints. Socket welding is preferred mainly on low pressure joints and small bore joints.

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Technical schools are not mainly for technology. Technical schools teach mostly hands on things. For example, they teach welding, automobile repair, and things of that nature.

What factor determines the color of a star?

Mainly its temperature.

What is a factor in statistics?

A factor in statistics can be defined as a variable which will affect the results of an experiment. This is mainly an aspect which is independent.

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