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"Basiclly what hardware virtualization is is the improvement of your processor. With these improvements, you will find memory adresses and translating intructions to be easier, more fluid. It will makes a trip to your virtual environment much more successful whther we're talking specific applications or software, performace will have been improved."

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Hardware virtualization is when the hardware processes on a computer are disguised by software to produce an environment that is easier and less complex to interact with. Many computers have different hardware but by using software they are able to appear similar to the user by using a systems such as Windows, which presents an easily usable interface for the consumer.

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Q: What exactly is hardware virtualization?
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Is hardware virtualization a new trend?

Hardware virtualization is a trend that has been gaining in recent years as technology continues to advance rapidly. Many industries are getting involved in helping develop inside it.

What processor feature might you need to enable in the BIOS if you will be running VMs?

HAV (Hardware assisted Virtualization)

What does network virtualization include?

Network Virtualization (NV) refers to abstracting network resources that were traditionally delivered in hardware to software. NV can combine multiple physical networks to one virtual, software-based network, or it can divide one physical network into separate, independent virtual networks.

What are specific example of hardware virtualization?

Datacenter Consolidation • Reduce total cost of ownership (TCO) – Increased systems utilization (current servers have less than 10% average utilization, less than 50% peak utilization) – Reduce hardware (25% of the TCO) – Space, electricity, cooling (50% of the operating cost of a data center) • Management simplification – Dynamic provisioning – Workload management/isolation – Virtual machine migration – Reconfiguration • Better security • Legacy compatibility • Virtualization protects IT investment • Virtualization is a true scalable multi-core work load 6 ETISS 2007 Hardware Virtualization

Are there any publications that address what is virtualization?

Yes, there are many books addressing Virtualization. Titles can be found from well known book series, such as Virtualization for Dummies and The Shortcut Guide to Virtualization. Microsoft also publishes, Understanding Virtualization Solutions.

Related questions

What exactly is VMware Virtualization?

VMware Virtualization is a software that supports virtualization and other services. They are embedded hypervisors that run on server hardware without the need of other software.

How can you define the term virtualization?

Virtualization is the creation of something virtual, rather than actual. An example of virtualization would be the formation of a computer operating system or hardware platform.

Is hardware virtualization a new trend?

Hardware virtualization is a trend that has been gaining in recent years as technology continues to advance rapidly. Many industries are getting involved in helping develop inside it.

Which technology server virtualization logical separation?

it explains that server virtualization is the separation of server computing functions ... Server virtualization technology allows for dynamic and automatic creation, ... full virtualization and paravirtualization along with hardware acceleration logic.

How does client virtualization work?

Virtualization works through the creation of a 'virtual' rather than 'actual' version of an operating system, hardware, storage or network device.

Splitting a single processor into multiple virtual machines is called what?

hardware - based virtualization

How does virtualization work?

Xen virtualization is a high quality service that allows many computer operating systems to run the same hardware using layers which are called domains.

How does Xen virtualization work?

Xen virtualization is a high quality service that allows many computer operating systems to run the same hardware using layers which are called domains.

What processor feature might you need to enable in the BIOS if you will be running VMs?

HAV (Hardware assisted Virtualization)

Is there a website that can help me learn server virtualization?

Server virtualization is not an area you just pick up on without having built the groundwork to understand the software and hardware backgrounds that are related to the solution. Try college courses.

What does network virtualization include?

Network Virtualization (NV) refers to abstracting network resources that were traditionally delivered in hardware to software. NV can combine multiple physical networks to one virtual, software-based network, or it can divide one physical network into separate, independent virtual networks.

What exactly is Intel virtualization?

Ideally used by 64-bit OS users and is suppose to optimize your computer when using virtualization software although it has been reported as causing the adverse affects