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Q: What effect does combining resistors and capacitors have on a circuit?
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What is the effect on the circuit if we add a capactior in parallel with another capacitor?

Capacitors in parallel simply add up, similar to resistors in series... CTOTAL = sumI=1-N (CI) Capacitors in series work like resistors in parallel... CTOTAL = 1 / sumI=1-N (1 / CI)

What was the major effect of replacing the two diodes with resistors?

As I have no information on the circuit I can make no valid predictions as to the effect of replacing diodes with resistors. However I assume the effect(s) will resemble that of having very defective diodes in the circuit.

Give you the different types of resistors and what effect do they cause on the circuit?

Sure some resistors are wire wound chrome wire and as such will display an inductance characteristics

What is the major effect of replacing the two diodes with resistor in bridge rectifier circuit?

Its no longer a rectifier and the resistors may catch fire.

What is the equivalent resistance through the entire circuit?

To find the equivalent resistance in a circuit, you need to analyze the circuit configuration. The equivalent resistance for resistors in series is the sum of all individual resistances. For resistors in parallel, the reciprocal of the equivalent resistance is the sum of the reciprocals of the individual resistances. Once you determine how the resistors are connected, apply the appropriate formula to find the equivalent resistance.

Why a circuit will produce a loading effect?

This happens because the total parallel resistance is lower than the individual resistors that make up the group of parallel resistors. When you add another parallel load, the resistance of that parallel group lowers and as result increases the current for the rest of the circuit.

What has the author C L Hanks written?

C. L. Hanks has written: 'Report on the effect of nuclear radiation on capacitors' -- subject(s): Capacitors, Effect of radiation on

How is the wattage of a circuit divided amongst resistors in series of varying ohmic and wattage ratings?

The voltage supplying the circuit will be divided across the series resistors in proportion to their resistance. The wattage of the resistors has no effect on the distribution, but if you put an under rated resistor in the circuit, it will fail. For example, if you have a 10v source, and a 1 ohm resistor in series with a 3 ohm resistor, the 1 ohm resistor, being only a quarter of the total resistance, will see a quarter of the voltage, or 2.5 volts. The other 7.5 volts will seen across the 3 ohm resistor. The total power consumed by the circuit is given by P = VI or V2/R or I2R, so for this circuit, the resistors will consume 25 watts (current is 10/4 = 2.5 amps according to Ohms Law), and 10 x 12.5 gives 25 watts. Hope that helps ItAintMe

Are there diagonal resistors in an electric circuit?

Diagonal resistors are not a standard component in electric circuits. Resistors are typically placed in series or parallel configurations for specific purposes in a circuit. However, in more complex circuit designs, resistors can be oriented diagonally to optimize space or layout constraints.

How do you minimize the Ferranti effect?

The Ferranti effect is reduced by using shunt reactors and series capacitors.

In series and parallel capacitance?

When capacitors are connected in series, the totalcapacitance is less than any one of the series capacitors' individual capacitances. If two or more capacitors are connected in series, the overall effect is that of a single (equivalent) capacitor having the sum total of the plate spacings of the individual capacitors. As we've just seen, an increase in plate spacing, with all other factors unchanged, results in decreased capacitance.Thus, the total capacitance is less than any one of the individual capacitors' capacitances. The formula for calculating the series total capacitance is the same form as for calculating parallel resistances:When capacitors are connected in parallel, the totalcapacitance is the sum of the individual capacitors' capacitances. If two or more capacitors are connected inparallel, the overall effect is that of a single equivalent capacitor having the sum total of the plate areas of the individual capacitors. As we've just seen, an increase inplate area, with all other factors unchanged, results inincreased capacitance.Thus, the total capacitance is more than any one of the individual capacitors' capacitances. The formula for calculating the parallel total capacitance is the same form as for calculating series resistances:As you will no doubt notice, this is exactly opposite of the phenomenon exhibited by resistors. With resistors, seriesconnections result in additive values while parallel connections result in diminished values. With capacitors, its the reverse: parallel connections result in additive values while series connections result in diminished values.REVIEW:Capacitances diminish in series.Capacitances add in parallel.

What does an electric circuit provide for the flow of electric current?

An electric circuit provides a path for the flow of electric current. It typically consists of a power source (such as a battery), conductive wires, and components (such as resistors, capacitors, and lightbulbs) that regulate and control the flow of electrical charge. The circuit must be closed or complete for current to flow continuously.