NCC Class WT was created in 1946.
see link below
The abbreviation of Engg. means Engineering.
30 deceber 2009
This means a scientific achievement, or hypothesis.
the moto of ncc is unity and dscipline
NRC Handelsblad was created in 1970.
NCC Education was created in 1997.
NCC AB was created in 1988.
NCC Philippines was created in 2006.
The population of NCC AB is 2,011.
NCC Class WT was created in 1946.
NRC Next was created on 2006-03-14.
If you mean nuclear plants in the US, see NRC website
ncc- A certificate
NCC stands for National Computing Centre.From Wikipedia: "NCC Education Ltd. is a global provider and awarding body of British education."
because cet gives ncc frist preference