When you design something it is always good to see a picture or diagram of it in small scale. Lets say you want to build a hotel. First an architect will design a small model. This will put an idea in his mind of what the finished hotel will look like. When female and male models wear cloths and show them off this is to get an idea of what the design of clothing will look like on you. Making a model of something allows you to use more of your senses. The more senses you use and the more often you use them the better picture you have in your mind and the better the finished product will be.
Proyecto y diseño en computacion
The act of creating something that has not been created
smh = "shaking my head"
No it cant once your data and details are out there they are out there forever so be careful what you post to your friends and put on the internet cos google or another network could get hold of it and then you could get a very horrible surprise next time you are on facebook or something like that where there is a picture of you in your bikini or something and loads of comments saying "Lol!" and "OMG! Clarissa you look so funny!"
The cheetah is the most streamlined big cat.
"design" means how it is controlled or for example, I say boat "design" I mean how the boat was design and how we can use it.
no because i say so
No. Unless you were trying to say "It is design", that would be incorrect. If something possesses the design, then no apostrophe is included. An example would be, "I quite like that house for its design and spaciousness."
When we say that something is alive. we mean it has life in it.
that something is fresh
You say you're sorry.
No. Unless you were trying to say "It is design", that would be incorrect. If something possesses the design, then no apostrophe is included. An example would be, "I quite like that house for its design and spaciousness."
something you say to not have your mom kill you
He hates you
Decline- say no to something