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Java: In Java inherited features for a class are the variables and methods that are inherited from its parent class.

Ex: public class A extends B {



Here class A has access to the variables and methods in class B. This is termed as inheriting features.

General: In general, inherited features are termed as the characteristics and other aspects of a person that resemble his parents or other family members. For example a boy may have blue eyes like his mother or may have a long nose like his father etc. These are termed as inherited features.

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∙ 13y ago

It means obtaining something from someone that is deceased. You get it either because you inherited it by relationship or they left it to you in their will.

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You are describing evolution.

What are called hereditary features?

Hereditary features are features which are passed to offspring by its parents or ancestors. They are inherited through natural genetic reproduction.

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I think you mean inherited and inherited traits - in which case yes - they're the same.

What features are inherited and what are caused by environment?

Inherited features are determined by genetic makeup, such as eye color, blood type, and height. Features caused by environment include things like education, social behavior, and exposure to pollutants. Both genetic and environmental factors play a role in shaping an individual's characteristics.

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An inherited trait is a feature or characteristic of an organism that has been passed on to it in its genes.

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The features of Africa colonial economy is that most of the countries inherited the structures from the colonialists.

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he found out that it was a 3:1 ratio which is 0.3333333...... bye me

What mean inherited?

Inherited means to receive money, a property or a title as an heir of death of the previous holder. Wrong An inherited behavior is one that is not learned. It's done automatically.

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economic features are features that the economy has

What does it mean when you have small webbed feet?

You inherited the genes for them to develop.

What dœs inherited mean?

passed on from many family generations