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It is used for closing tags and helps you distinguish it from an opening tag. For a lot of tags you need to know where their impact starts and ends, so you need opening and closing tags. If you wanted to bold one word in the middle of a sentence then you would start bolding at the beginning of it and end bolding at the end of the word. To differentiate the two tags, you need the forward slash, like this.

This sentence contains one <b>word</b> that is bolded.

Some tags don't have closing tags, like the br tag. It is now common to put in a slash at the end of those tags like this:


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The closing tag's opening symbol (the less-than sign) is immediately followed by a slash (sometimes called a "forward slash" to distinguish it from back slash.)Here's the opening for a paragraph tag:And the closingAs you can see, the difference here is a slash. Also not that the slash is used at the ending of "empty elements" in any version of HTML when trying to comply with XML syntax. So, in XHTMLShould instead be writtenThis only effects XML compliant versions of HTML.

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