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It looks like any other low voltage cable, such as a CAT-5 internet cable. There are several variants to the RS-232 standard. The standard defines a 25 pin configuration for serial data communications. In many cases fewer conductors are used. Google RS-232 standard for definition of the connectors, cable length, restrictions, baud rates and voltage levels.

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Q: What does an rs-232 cable look like?
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Related questions

Where can one purchase RS232 cable?

One can purchase a RS232 cable at most electronic stores. A few common examples of stores that have RS232 cables for sale are Best Buy, Radio Shack, and Fry's.

What is the Rs232 Cable?

Also known as a serial cable; typically with 9 or 25 pin D-sub connectors.

How can iget adapter to dell compute to fit rs232 cable?

Could you be more specific? What do you need and RS232 cable for? Old serial device of some kind? Also, what Operating System is on your Dell machine, that will actually make a difference.

What do you use in laptop - rs232 or rs485?


Where can one purchase a UST to RS232?

A UST to RS232 cable can be bought from many electrical stores especially those specialising in components and parts. They can be found local to you or online on websites such as eBay or Amazon. Buying them online is cheaper then buying them in stores.

What does a Ethernet cable look like?

It look's like a long brown cable with two ends that are made of plastic.

What are the Differences between RS232 and RS449?

rs232 isfaster than rs449

what is the maximum recommended length for a standard RS-232 cable?

Depends what you mean by a serial cable - Fibre, Ethernet, RS232, RS485, RS422, USB, HDMI, SMPTE292 are all examples of serial communications media. RS232 max length 50 ft Ethernet max length 100 m

The maximum cable length for a serial cable according to RS-232 standards is 50 feet?

50 feet is quoted as a maximum cable length for RS232 but that limit has been extended in practical applications to far longer distances. The practical limit depends on the data rate, the type of cable and the environment in which it is installed. RS232 is being replaced by other communication interfaces so although it can be extended further than the strict limit quoted by the standard, long cables will normally use other methods.

What are the advantage of rs232?

Ethernet is a networking interconnect system that allows multiple communication paths to exist simultaneously. It provides high speed communiction. Most new computers have at least one Ethernet interface. These interfaces usually include DC electrical isolation with a transformer. Generally fewer feet of cable would be needed than for an RS232 system. Maximum copper wire cable length is 100 meters (328 ft) without repeaters. This means that from an Ethernet switch (this not a mechanical switch) centrally located you can serve machines within a 200 meter diameter. If your CNC has a built-in Ethernet capability you may have some features that make file transfer easy. Ethernet provides good ground loop noise immunity. We have an Ethernet to RS232 device identified as E232 that allows any HAAS and some others to connect to an Ethernet network and work at 115.2 kbaud. RS232 as normally used is a direct electrical connection from your computer to CNC. This has some major problems. Ground loop noise sensitivity, easily damaged from electrical faults, limited cable length. Working cable length is inversely proportional to cable length. RS232 is low cost. We have another product, I232, that provides electrical isolation (greatly reduces noise problems and damage from electrical faults), high baud rate at long distances. With the I232 system we can send error free data at 115.2 kbaud over a 4000 ft cable with 1000 V RMS 60 Hz applied to the interconnect cable. That is a +/-1414 V signal. The I232 System is an RS232 to RS232 interconnect system.

Make USB to RS232 converter?

Yes, you can get a USB to RS232 converter (aka USB to Serial).

What is the difference between rs232 and rs485 port?

Difference between Rs232 and RS485 is Only Distance RS232 is not for long or far distance .. but RS485 can be use for LONGEST distance ..RS232 is single ended communication where as RS485 is Differential of receivers in RS232 is only ONE, whereas in RS485 is of transmitters in RS232 is only ONE whereas in RS485 is 32.IN RS232 there is no pin to change from transmitter mode receiver mode. But, In RS485 have DE pin to set transmitter mode and RI to set receiver mode.