The semi-colon converts a C++ expression into a statement.
The goto statement.
You can not print your name in C without a semi colon because according to the rules of C every statement should end with a semi colon.In fact without the semi colon it fails to be a valid C statement.
A do-while statement is a type of loop that iterates while a condition remains true. The condition is evaluated at the end of each iteration, thus the statement always executes at least once. do { statement; } while (expression);
...a function call.
No. That would be a syntax error. Only a right semicolon (;) can go at the end of a statement.
The semi-colon converts a C++ expression into a statement.
The goto statement.
You can not print your name in C without a semi colon because according to the rules of C every statement should end with a semi colon.In fact without the semi colon it fails to be a valid C statement.
A do-while statement is a type of loop that iterates while a condition remains true. The condition is evaluated at the end of each iteration, thus the statement always executes at least once. do { statement; } while (expression);
If statement is single selection statement,whereas the switch statement is multiple selective.
There are several 'looping' statements in C++. They are:while () { }do { } while () ;for (index-start, index-end; index increment/decrement) { }They are used to repetitively execute statements as long as the statement(s) controlling the loop are true.
The basic control structure in C++ is the if statement.
...a function call.
Curly braces are used to mark the start and end of a statement, typically used when the statement body consists of two or more individual statements. However they are also used to mark the start and end of a class declaration and function bodies.
if (condition) statement else statement;
The switch / case statement.