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Water reservoirs that are often man-made, pipelines that extend from a lake or river to fields, or a large underground aquifer to source their water from, such as the Ogallala Aquifer in the United States.

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Q: What does a country need in order for more farmland to be irrigated?
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Why must farmland be irrigated?

Farmland doesn't have to be irrigated. Irrigation is only necessary if there isn't enough moisture in the form of precipitation to meet the needs of a growing crop, be it corn, soybeans, timothy, alfalfa, wheat, or rice. Irrigation is also used as a means to boost crop production (for the same reasons described previously) or pasture production in a dryland environment where a producer wants to have a pasture that is of high quality for his/her livestock. As stated above, irrigation isn't always necessary. Many parts of the world raise crops or has pastureland that never sees any level of irrigation because there is sufficient moisture to support crop production from the rain that falls from the sky, so much so that irrigation is considered not cost effective. Even the areas that get irrigated still see rainfall, and some years, farmers may recieve enough rainfall that irrigation doesn't need to be used. Other years, though, which may occur more often than the years of "excess" moisture (what area you live in depends on what you would consider "excess" in moisture levels), irrigation is necessary to support crop production.

How does modern technology helps your country in terms of progress?

Technology has been positively affecting a country for a long period of time. When a company employ the use of capital intensive they produce more thus that company will have more goods to export. this will help to generate foreign currency for the country.

What nation produces more petroleum then any other country?

Saudi Arabia

What is lexicographic order?

Lexicographic order is an order function - a way of sorting information. It is generally a simple and useful way to sort strings. The name comes from the order used in a dictionary, where strings are compared in alphabetical order, from left to right. For more information, see the related link.

Which country use DC supply for domestic applications?

More over the rating only differs from country to country.No country employs DC current for domestic appliances because the voltage have to be stepped down or stepped up as per our requirement.

Related questions

In order to get more farmland the greeks?

tn order to get more farmland the geeks had to irrigate their land.

Which area had more farmland between Nubia and Egypt?

Egypt had more farmland because of the spread of the Nile Delta.

Does north America have more commercial farmland then South America?

Yes, South America has more forest land than farmland.

Why did human civilization first grow up along rivers?

Rivers are a good source of fish and fresh water. They can be irrigated more easily than lakes too. Areas around rivers provided more fertile farmland. Irrigation projects starts close to the river and then expands from it, the farther an area is from the river the less water they will have for irrigation.

Japan assigns more than percent of its farmland to food crops?

Japan assigns more than 90% of its farmland to food crops.

Were there more mountains or farmland in ancient Greece?

Definitely more mountains. There was practically no good farmland in Ancient Greece (and there still isn't really).

Who needed slave labor during the columbian exchange?

Mainly the south. This was because the North had industries, but the South had more farmland. In order to handle enormous patches of farmland, you needed a work force. African-American slaves was their answer.

Difference between net sown area and gross sown area?

Net Sown area is the total area sown with crops in a country. Area sown more than once is counted once only.Gross sown area is the area sown more than once in an agricultural year plus net sown area.

Why did the southerners need slavery more than the Northener's?

they had more farmland

How was Mesopotamia's farmland?

Their farmland was rich, and they can produce lot more than they could eat, so they traded with other countries.

What state has more farmland -- Nevada or Kansas?


ARE Dear more plentiful in many areas where forests and prairies have been changed into a farmland?

Yes, deer populations often increase in areas where forests and prairies have been converted to farmland. This is because farmland can provide deer with a more abundant food supply and shelter, leading to higher numbers of deer in these areas.