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JavaScript Object Notation.

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Q: What does JSON stand for?
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Who created json or java scription notation?

JSON or Java Script Object Notation was originally created by Douglas Crockford, starting around 2001. It is referred to as JSON because the file extension used is .json.

What is marshal streams?

"Marshalling" is roughly the same as "serialization", a mechanism many languages use to take classes, objects and values from a running program and convert them into a (normally binary) format for persistence (write to file or database) or for sending over a network.A stream is a computer science concept meaning that bits are transmitted between a sender and a receiver one chunk at a time, like when sending a file over a network or writing to the hard drive.A marshal stream would be a stream with marshalling data.Marshalling isn't used in Javascript. The JSON serialization format can be considered a similar concept, but JSON differs from marshalling in the sense that JSON is only meant for serializing data, while marshalling in an object oriented language would also transmit the class definition and object methods.Marshalling isn't really required in Javascript, as there is no compilation stage, and you can get the same effect by using eval() on a plain string representation.

What is cacique class?

Cacique Systems is a website and web application development Company,Located at Asansol,West Bengal,India. We work on different technology,such as the CDN network,GEOIP tracking,jquery,json,Ajax,etc

What does csg stand for?

Can't Stand Greg

Do can connect database with javascript?

You can't connect directly from a browser to the database, as the browser doesn't have access.Even if you could, you shouldn't: If your Javascript sends SQL statements to the database, there is nothing stopping a random visitor from having fun by changing your SQL to "drop table", and your entire database is gone.What you do is setting up a server side web service (using PHP, Java servlets, Ruby on Rails or whatever) that accepts a URL, converts it to a DB query and returns the result as JSON. The primary thing from a security standpoint is that you never insert a string from the web into the SQL without validating it first.As an example, you could have something like this:--- browser javascript (using jQuery) ---$.getJSON("/productDetail.json?productId=123", function (data) {// do something with the data});--- server (using Java servlet) ---void doProductDetail(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) {int productId = Integer.parseInt(...); // get product ID from query paramString sql = ...; // generate the SQLString json = ...; // execute query, convert result to JSONres.write(json); // send to browser}

Related questions

What does the acronym JSON stand for?

JSON is the acronym for JavaScript Object Notation. JSON is primarily used to transmit strutured data information between a server and a webpage. Douglas Crockford is the one is specified this type of format.

Who created json or java scription notation?

JSON or Java Script Object Notation was originally created by Douglas Crockford, starting around 2001. It is referred to as JSON because the file extension used is .json.

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Which is better for text-based data storage JSON or XML?

XML is far better for data storage, JSON seems to be used more often for web services, api and the like.

How to learn JSON with PHP quick?

The quickest way to learn JSON with PHP is to check out the following websites: Tutorials Point, W3 Schools, IT Newb, Stack Overflow and many many more.

Why does jasonn seek the golden fleece in json and the quest for the golden quest?

to save his town

How do you exchange the information between Clients?

I am not sure, but I hope googling on these would help : JSON & XML.

iconic tools hub?

JSON to PDF Converter Effortlessly with Iconic Tools Hub.

What is the most common record format?

The most common record format is probably the JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) format. JSON is widely used for data interchange between systems due to its simplicity, readability, and ease of parsing by various programming languages.

Do you know any API which gives news articles in JSON format? NewsAPI is a widely used API that offers access to a large number of news sources worldwide. It provides articles in JSON format and allows you to search for news based on various parameters such as keywords, sources, and language.

What are the parts of a minecraft addon pack manifest.json?

For people who can explain this, the file referred to is located at inside of the downloadable resource and behaviour packs of unmodified minecraft. The download is above the how to install instructions and the file the question asks about is inside the folder. It is a json file so unless you know a bit about JavaScript and JSON don't bother downloading the files.

What programming languages do you need to know before you can work with APIs?

API's for mobile phones just require you to write sql queries both simple and complex. It could be any programming language as long as it is encoded using json or xml. JSON & XML are web-services which allow cross-platform communications. For example an Android Phone can get information from a PHP based website.