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Severity and Priority are the attributes of a defect. If we talk about 'Severity of a defect' then it describes how the defect is impacting the functionality of software product whereas 'Priority of a defect' indicates the importance of the defect and when it should be addressed or fixed.

  • In the software project, the severity of a defect should be defined by QA whereas the priority should be defined by Product Owner.
  • Severity of the defect can be categorized into four levels: blocker, critical, major & minor. Similarly, Priority of the defect can be high, medium & low.
An organization that provides software testing services needs to ensure that while opening defects, each defect should be assigned with right severity. Incorrect severity and priority mapping will impact overall STLC process and the whole product.
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Q: What do you understand by severity and priority of a defect?
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What is the difference between defect prevention and prediction?

defect prevention includes those strategies through which we avoid to occur a defect. for example formal risk analysis, prototyping. in defect prediction those areas are highlighted where there is possibility that defect can occur.

How is bug leakage different from bug release?

Bug leakage: Bug leakage is something, when the bug is discovered by the end users or customer, and missed by the testing team to detect, while testing the software.ORA defect which exists in the application and not found by the tester which is eventually found by the customer/end-user.Bug release: A bug release is when a particular version of software is released with a set of known bug(s)/defect(s). These bugs are usually of low severity/priority. It is done when a software company can afford the existence of bug in the released software rather than the time/cost for fixing it in that particular version.It is the core responsibility of Software testing company to find the bugs at the earlier stage so that a good product can be handed over to the client.

What is the default priority of background thread in java?

Medium priority

What is priority queue?

A priority queue is a collection of elements that each element has been assigned a priority and such that order in which elements are deleted and processed comes from the following riles: 1) An element of higher priority is processed before any element of lower priority. 2) Two element with the same priority are processed according to the order in which they were added to the queue.

Array implementation of priority queue?

the priority queue is which depends on the data which their priority is maintained by checking the forth coming values stored in the queue

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Auditory defect refers to any impairment or dysfunction in the auditory system that affects a person's ability to hear. This can range from mild hearing loss to complete deafness, and can be caused by a variety of factors such as genetics, illness, injury, or exposure to loud noise. Treatment options may include hearing aids, cochlear implants, or other interventions, depending on the type and severity of the defect.

Software test plan and test metrics?

metrics used in testing, The Product Quality Measures - 1. Customer satisfaction index, 2. Delivered defect quantities, 3. Responsiveness (turnaround time) to users, 4. Product volatility, 5. Defect ratios, 6. Defect removal efficiency, 7. Complexity of delivered product, 8. Test coverage, 9. Cost of defects, 10. Costs of quality activities, 11. Re-work, 12. Reliability and Metrics for Evaluating Application System Testing

What body cavity is cut in a bona spifida?

The spinal cord is affected with spina bifida, a birth defect where the spinal column doesn't close properly. It can result in varying degrees of disability, depending on the severity.

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It really depends on what congenital heart defect you are talking about. Your question is tagged in the Spina Bifida category, and as far as I know there is no particular heart defect more common in people with spina bifida than in the general population. The severity and life expectancy of heart defects can range from death immediately upon birth, to totally asymptomatic with a normal life expectancy, so if you want a better explanation, try asking again but please be sure to include the specific type of defect, since there are many.

What is lost time incident severity rate?

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Category 1 typically refers to the highest level of severity or priority in a classification system. It can indicate a situation that requires immediate attention or action due to the level of risk or impact.

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The first priority of a public speaker is to connect with the audience. This involves engaging them, building rapport, and making sure they understand and relate to the message being delivered.

What is the protrusion of the meninges and spinal cord through a defect in the spinal column?

That condition is known as spina bifida, where the spinal cord and meninges do not fully close during development and protrude through an opening in the spine. This can result in a variety of neurological complications depending on the severity of the defect. Treatment typically involves surgical repair to prevent further damage and manage symptoms.