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Q: What do you do when the toilet backs up into the bath tub?
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When washer rinse cycle fills up your tub and overflow the toliet what is the problem?

The drain from the toilet to the main or the main itself is partially clogged or collapsed. There is probably enough room for the sink to drain but the washer puts out so much water all at once it can't get through and backs up into the tub and toilet.

Why when you empty your bath water does the toilet bubble and water comes up into the shower?

Because the two pipes are connected, and the shower is farther down the line than the toilet. So when you flush, you are hearing the water from the toilet pass by your tub. This is also why you will have sewage in your tub if your waste water line is extremely backed up.

When you plunge your toilet the waste comes up in the tub?

The clog is below the point where the toilet and the tub join the drain.

What is the difference between a half bath and full bath and three quarter bath?

A half-bath consists of a sink and toilet. A full-bath consists of a sink, toilet, bath and shower and a three-quarter bath consists of a sink, toilet, and stand-up shower.

When Washer is draining Toilet and Tub fills up with drain water?

You have to use toilet more

If the seal is broken on toilet can this cause water to back up into tub when toilet is flushed?

NO way

What is the difference between bath and shower?

Well this is the difference. A bath is in a bath tub and you sit and clean yourself. A shower is standing up in a tub or shower and you clean yourself.

What does run you a bath mean?

It means to run water and fill up the tub for someone to take a bath.

What if your toilet overflowed and then there is water in the bathtub confused?

The tub and toilet connect to the same drain at some point. The main drain was plugged but the connection between the toilet and tub was still open. Water seeks it's own level. When the water came up in the toilet, the tub was lower so some of it went there.

You have water backing up in bath tub?

You buy draino at grocery store.

When you flush the toilet fills with water to the top then gushes down but water comes up in the sink and bathtub what causes this?

The sewer line is plugged or collasped. The sink and bathtub may drain because they drain at a slower rate. Toilet is all at once and the drain can't handle it. Water has to go somewhere so it backs up in the sink and tub.

How do you take a quick bath?

You fill the tub. Then you get in the water and soap up. Immediately rinse it off and get out of the tub. Then you dry yourself after coming out and then you're done. It helps me if I stand when I do it but what ever works. :)