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Just use the align="" attribute in the tag surrounding the text:

<p align="center">This text will be aligned inside the container it is.</p>

Of course that can be styled with CSS:

p { text-align: center; }

That will make every set of "p" tags centered.

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9y ago

The alignment is called full justification. You can write HTML to tell the browser to display a paragraph fully justified. Here is an HTML 4 example:

. Here is an HTML 5 example:


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9y ago

There are a few ways to do this in HTML, a few of which are deprecated (center tags).

This single line of CSS will make all the difference:

text-align: center;

In practice:

Hello, world!

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9y ago

Your question is unclear. If you are asking how to do this, there are several ways.

First, you can use a CSS style="" tag:

text here


text here

Second, you can use HTML:

text here


text here

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11y ago

Justified text is flush to both the left and right margins.

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9y ago

Left justified is the default alignment attribute. It aligns the left side text on the margin and allows the right side to flow normally.

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(Text you want centered here)


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6y ago

Center. <center></center>

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14y ago

Centered text.

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full justification

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Q: What do you call the alignment of text centered between left and right margins?
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What are the definitions of alignment left right centered and justified?

LEFT - Align all text even at the left margin, while letting it remain ragged on the right.RIGHT - Align all text even at the right margin, while letting it remain ragged on the left.CENTER - Align all text to center between the left and right margins, while letting it remain ragged on the left and right.JUSTIFIED (FULL) - Align all text at both left and right margins, so each side is aligned straight on both sides. The computer will calculate spacing between words to ensure there are the appropriate number of spaces to reach both margins.

What is the difference between Center text and justified text?

There are four types of alignment for word processing: Left, Center, Right, and Justify.Left alignment, means that the beginning of the line is at the left margin but the end of the line is at the end of last word that fits on the line and that can leave some blank space at the end of the line.Right alignment does just the opposite in that it has the last letter of the line at the right margin but the first letter of the line is wherever it ends up based on the words that fit on the line.Center alignment means that the words for that line are centered with whitespace potentially on both ends and in equal amount.Justified alignment means that there is no whitespace at either end of the line and that the extra space is consumed between each of the words on the line with an extra space here or there as needed.Justified alignment is quite often used in newspapers, magazines, and novels while Left alignment is used in more formal documents such as business letters and resumes. Right alignment is most commonly used in financial reportts and in documents written in languages that are read from right to left instead of left to right. Center alignment is used for titles of papers or manuscripts, to offset a certain line so as to have extra attention called to it, and very frequently in advertising pamphlets.

What is a marginal heading?

A marginal heading is one which has margins around it. Margins can be added on left, right, top and bottom.

If the paragraph text is aligned with both the left and right margins it is said to be?

If both the left and right margins of text fall even with the text, the text is said to be justified.

When you wish to position text or an object horizontally between the left and right margins on the Page use the left align button?

False. You will want to use "center" align.

Related questions

What are different types of alignment?

Some different types of alignment include left alignment (text aligned to the left margin), right alignment (text aligned to the right margin), center alignment (text centered between margins), and justified alignment (text aligned to both left and right margins). Each type serves a different visual purpose in design and formatting.

In which text alignment option are the left and right margins even?

Either fully-justified or centered.

What is paragraph alignment?

Paragraph alignment refers to how the left and right margins.

What positions text between the top and bottom margins of a document?

It is known as alignment. It can generally be left, right, centred or justified.

The placement of paragraph text relative to the left and right margins is known as?


The alignment used to begin and end all lines at the same position on the left and right margins is?

The alignment used to begin and end all lines at the same position on the left and right margins is called &quot;justified alignment.&quot; This alignment adjusts the spacing between words in each line to achieve equal length lines on both sides.

What is the default setting for alignment is it left right centered or justified?

The default alignment is Left.

Which paragraph alignment option adds additional space between words so that both the left and right margins are even?

full justification

Would changing the margins of your document change the alignment of the text within the document?

No, changing the margins of your document would not change the alignment of the text within the document. The alignment of the text (left, right, center, justified) can be adjusted separately from the margins. The margins control the space between the text and the edges of the document.

What are the definitions of alignment left right centered and justified?

LEFT - Align all text even at the left margin, while letting it remain ragged on the right.RIGHT - Align all text even at the right margin, while letting it remain ragged on the left.CENTER - Align all text to center between the left and right margins, while letting it remain ragged on the left and right.JUSTIFIED (FULL) - Align all text at both left and right margins, so each side is aligned straight on both sides. The computer will calculate spacing between words to ensure there are the appropriate number of spaces to reach both margins.

What is an aligment?

Alignment is the process of arranging text or images in a specific way. It is typically used to create a visual hierarchy and improve the readability of a page. Alignment options include left-aligned right-aligned centered justified and flush. It is important to consider how alignment can impact the overall design and readability of a page. Left-aligned: Text or images are aligned to the left margin. This is the most commonly used alignment. Right-aligned: Text or images are aligned to the right margin. Centered: Text or images are centered on the page. Justified: Text is aligned to the left and right margins. Flush: Text or images are aligned to the left and right margins.Alignment is an important design element that can help to create visual hierarchy and improve the readability of a page. When selecting an alignment it is important to consider how it will impact the overall design of the page.

What is the alignment of text that positioned so that both the left and right edges of the paragraph are flush with the left and right margins?

full justification