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Q: What do scientists use to perform experiments and create inventions?
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How long have scientists been using science to perform experiments and create inventions?

since the beginning of time

How scientists test hypothheses?

To test hypotheses, scientists create experiments.

What do scientist create and perform to test their hypotheses?


Did Isaac Newton create any mechanical inventions?

yes he created many of inventions and experiments like soccer you use force

What do scientists create to help communicate their findings in science experiments in a picture form?


Why is it important that scientists create new inventions .?

its important so we can keep civilization and technology improving

Why do scientists publish the results of experiments before creating a Theory?

Scientists publish the results of experiments to share their findings with the scientific community, allowing others to verify and build upon their work. The development of a theory typically comes after multiple experiments and observations have been made, which are then used to formulate a broader explanation or framework for understanding a specific phenomenon.

When did the alchemists perform their experiments?

Alchemists performed their experiments primarily during the medieval and early modern periods, from around the 12th to the 18th century. They sought to transform base metals into noble metals like gold, discover the philosopher's stone, and create the elixir of life through their experiments.

Why did garret a Morgan create his inventions?

cause he can

What inventions did the sumerians create?

· Axle · Wheel

What is an example of how science and technology are related?

Science is an enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations. Technology is the creation and knowledge of tools and systems that can perform a specific function. You want an example? Electricity. Electrons and how they behave was discovered by scientists and then used by technicians to create many of the incredible inventions we use today. Science discovers stuff, Technology utilizes it.

What inventions did Ben Franklin create?

lighting bolt