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Well I guess that depends what your measuring. Voltage in your home 120 volts, a car battery puts out 12.6 my stereo is 700 Watt, if you voltometer the guts at any given time its about 340 Volt ( I estimate) perhaps you should be more specific in your question friend.

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13y ago
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12y ago

The concept of electric field was introduced by Michael Faraday. The electrical field force acts between two charges, in the same way that the gravitational field force acts between two masses. We know about accelaration of the earth, i.e., the gravity (g = 9.8 m/s2), but where does this number come from?

It comes from Newton's law of universal gravitation. It states that every matter which has a mass attracts other matters with a force that is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the centers of gravity of the two matters.

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9y ago

It is a physical measurement of an electrical quantity.

Electricity is a phenomenon that has many measureable quantities associated with it. The basic quantity is the electric current, which is defined by the force exterted between two standard wires carrying one amp of current. Another common quantity is the voltage between wires, for example on a domestic power supply. Other common quantities that are measured are the resistance in ohms, the power in watts, the energy in watt-seconds or kilowatt-hours, the electric field in volts per metre, the magnetic field in amps per metre.

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11y ago

Introduce a known charge into the electric field and measure the force to measure the electric field, F = qE.

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14y ago

Electric field lines are used to visualize the strength of an electric field. The denser the lines, the stronger the field.

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What do lines represent in an electirc field diagram?

The lines in each diagram represent an electric field. The stronger the field, the close together the lines are.

How is the direction of an electric field indicate with electrical fields lines?

The direction of an electric field is indicated by the direction in which the electric field lines point. Electric field lines point away from positive charges and towards negative charges. The closer the field lines are together, the stronger the electric field in that region.

How closely packed the electric field lines are indicates the strength of the electric field?


Which is true of magnetic field lines but not electric firld lines apex?

Magnetic field lines always form closed loops, while electric field lines begin and end on charges. Additionally, magnetic field lines do not originate from monopoles, while electric field lines can begin and end on electric charges.

What do lines represent in an electric field diagram?

The lines in each diagram represent an electric field. The stronger the field, the close together the lines are.

What do you draw to show a stronger electric field?

You can draw electric field lines closer together to show a stronger electric field. The density of the lines represents the intensity of the field - the closer the lines, the stronger the field.

Why electric field lines cannot have sudden brakes in between them?

Electric field lines represent the direction of the electric field at any point in space. If there were sudden breaks in the field lines, it would imply sudden changes in the electric field strength, which is not physically possible. The electric field must vary continuously and smoothly in space.

What is the significance of the number of lines per unit area or density of the electric field lines?

The density of electric field lines represents the strength of the electric field in a given region. A higher density of electric field lines indicates a stronger electric field, whereas a lower density indicates a weaker field. This provides a visual representation of how the electric field intensity varies in space.

What are three facts about electric field lines?

Electric field lines are used to visualize the direction and strength of an electric field. They always point away from positively charged objects and towards negatively charged objects. The density of field lines indicates the strength of the electric field, with closer lines representing a stronger field and vice versa.

How are magnetic field lines like electric field lines?

Magnetic field lines are similar to electric field lines in that they both represent the direction and strength of the field at various points in space. Both types of field lines are used to visualize the field's behavior and provide insights into the field's properties. However, magnetic field lines form closed loops, while electric field lines start and end on charges.

Can two electric field lines be drawn at a point?

No, two electric field lines cannot originate from the same point because the electric field direction at that point would be ambiguous. Electric field lines always point in the direction of the electric field at a given point and represent the direction a positive test charge would move in that field.

What is Equipotential lines in electric field?

Equipotential lines in an electric field are imaginary lines that connect points having the same electric potential. Along these lines, no work is required to move a charge between the points, as the electric potential is the same. Equipotential lines are always perpendicular to electric field lines.