An oil rig is an oil platform or oil production platform. A drilling is different though.
It takes 20000 day to build an oil rig.
Pull Out Of Hole
Pipes under sea
Black Gold
All rig workers are skilled to some level. Green Hands, or Green Horns are trainees. Roustabouts, or Deck Hands/Ops, are generally the starting point in a career. Rough term for oil workers is Rig Pigs.
Very. All platform workers from engineers to roughnecks are an integral part of a team.
Some oil rig companies may be willing to hire H2B workers if they are trained and have documentation for legal hire.
They are called oil rig workers or petroleum engineers. Their job involves extracting oil from underground reservoirs using drilling techniques and machinery.
apparently, their was an accident causing the rig to sink and catch on fire as 11 workers died with it.
Oil rig workers, linemen, nurses, casino jobs, accountants, teachers, real estate
Oil rig oil Derick
on a oil rig boat
I am looking for a job as a chef on an oil rig