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Q: What did technological advances during the renaissance lead to?
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Technological Advances lead to what?


How did the Renaissance lead to trade a commercial revoluation that paved the way for explonation of the American?

During the Renaissance, cartographers (mapmakers) rediscovered the teachings and writings of the ancient Greeks and Romans, which led to advances in navigation (and therefore exploring the world).

What did the failure of social advances to keep up with technological advances lead to?

The failure of social advances to keep up with technological advances can lead to social inequality, isolation, and ethical dilemmas. It can widen the digital divide, create new forms of discrimination, and raise concerns over privacy and surveillance. Additionally, it may disrupt traditional industries and job markets, leading to unemployment and economic instability.

How did the age of exploration lead to the renaissance?

because of the trade of goods during the renaissance

How did the renaissance lead to the age of exploration?

because of the trade of goods during the renaissance

What is a negative consequence of technological advances?

A negative consequence of technological advances is the potential for job displacement due to automation and artificial intelligence taking over tasks that were previously performed by humans. This can lead to unemployment and create challenges for workers to transition into new roles or industries.

How did technology lead to advances in architecture?

it lead to pyramids

What did political instability between competing states during the period from 1000 to 500 BCE lead to?

the answer is c, advances in technology

How might the ideas of humanism have helped lead to advances in human anatomy?

Humanism encouraged a focus on the study of the human body and its functions, leading to increased interest in anatomy. This emphasis on exploration and understanding of the human form prompted anatomists to conduct more detailed dissections and document their findings. As a result, humanism played a key role in the development of advances in human anatomy during the Renaissance period.

What sociological perspective would suggest that individuals and institutions and societies will face unprecedented adaptive challenges in adjusting to the technological advances soon to come?

The sociological perspective of functionalism would suggest that technological advances will lead to unprecedented adaptive challenges for individuals, institutions, and societies. Functionalism emphasizes the interdependence among parts of society and how changes in one part can disrupt the stability of the whole. As society adapts to technological advancements, it will need to reorganize its structures and processes to maintain equilibrium.

How did the Renaissance people and why?

The people during the Renaissance went through a great deal of change as a result of cultural enlightenment. This lead to a number of social and artistic changes which shaped the future of the planet.

How did the Churchs great power lead to criticism of the church during the Renaissance?

When Luther heard of Tetzel's effort he became angry