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Q: What determines the polarity of a DC output of a power supply?
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Power supply units are rated in?

Power supply units are rated based on their output and efficiency. When more equipment is connected, a higher output power supply is needed.

Output DC power supply?


Is power supply input or output devices?

Output - because it is outputting power to the rest of the device

Which supply source changes the polarity constantly?

AC source of electric power changes changes polarity constantly, in amplitude.

What to do if the power supply is too low?

Obtain a power supply that has the correct output voltage that you need.

When switch is off of power supply output shown on the multimeter is negative voltage from power supply?


Why power supply an output device?

because it is devices

When you purchase a power supply the output is measured in which units?


Which voltages are supported by a Toshiba power supply?

The input voltage range for the Toshiba power supply is AC 100V - 240V. The output voltage is DC 19V / output current is 4.74A. This power supply comes with a power cord and packaging will state voltage recommended for the product.

What determines the physical size of a power supply and the placement of a screw holes?

Case form factor determines the physical size of a power supply and the placement of a screw holes. It can be ATX, microATX, BTX and others.

What supplies power to a computer?

The "power supply" supplies power to a computer. A computer's power supply is a "switchmode power supply" responsible for converting the AC voltage from the wall into several DC output voltages.

Can the power supply provide a negative voltage output?

Yes. Depending on the design, the power supply can provide any voltage desired.