brainstorm firestorm hailstorm rainstorm sandstorm snowstorm thunderstorm windstorm
One is booster club, an open compound word.
No, building is not a compound word.
Yes, though it is often hyphenated as man-made, which is a type of compound word.
yes :> cause thunderstorm is a compound word, isn't it?
Yes the word rainstorm is a compound word. The words are rain and storm.
Yes, "firestorm" is a compound word made up of "fire" and "storm."
The compound word you are looking for is "thunderstorm."
Hailstorm, thunderstorm, firestorm.
yes seastorm... more are compound words are land-mark or down-cast
One compound word you can make is "raincoat."
"Thunderstorm" is a compound word because it is formed by combining two smaller words, "thunder" and "storm," to create a single word that represents a specific weather event.
Stingray is a compound word.
needlewoman is a compound word
The word is snow. snowball snowstorm snowdrift snowfall