No system, Peak demand as defined by the Utility Co`s is usually 7am-2pm. During those times everyone is at work or school in larger buildings with larger systems creating this period of peak demand, essentially staying comfortable on someone else`s dime, and the programmable thermostat in the home would be in energy setback or unoccuppied mode. Or in some areas the Utility Co does this for the Homeowner via their own Energy Setback Systems or rolling Brown Outs if that is the answer your Teacher is looking for.
A: An IC it maybe 2" long but the silicon chip can be as small as a 3mm The rest of the real estate packaging in plastic ceramics whatever is there to provide support for the external connection pins and the wires welded inside of the silicon chip
It is a pair of inexpensive "flip flops" that were popular back in the day. We called them "thongs" back then. Made from rubber, lasted about one summer and were quite comfortable as they got worn in. I have seen them available for purchase at stores like Old Navy, Walmart and Target recently. They are not as comfortable as the more expensive ones with arch support made by Reef or Roxy etc. that can be found at "skate/surf" shops.
A dual line system is a safety item. If a brake line/brake hose lets go you will still have brakes on one axle, you may not stop on a dime but it will stop you. A single line system will leave you with out any brakes at all if one brake line/hose lets go. American made cars have had a dual line systems since 1968.
Unless you are talking about a video game (which is a different question), it's not likely. One important part of the definition of a robot is "artificial". If there are natural biologic components (like a brain), that gets into cybernetics, which is also a different question.The Dance: What you want to do with that is sink in your shoulders. Take your shoulders and drive them down towards the ground. You'll start to feel a little tightening in your lats, in your muscles on the side, your obliques, that sort of area, keep doing that, that's the first part of doing the robot. The second thing is having your stop and start points within the music. Start moving one way and stop abruptly. Start moving another way and stop abruptly. The third point to doing the robot is freezing in that position o'kay? So now you have your grounding, you have your start and stop and now it's just freezing in that position. When you freeze I mean literally freeze on a dime, you don't want to move, stop right there and hold it and then move to the next position and hold it. Even if it's an animated face you want to just hold it right there and that is how you do the robot. Now we're going to get a chance to see it in action. So once again I am showing you your basic steps on doing the robot, being grounded, having your start stop points and freezing in position.
when the dollar was invented, because a quarter is actually a quarter of a dollar, where a dime is 1/10th of a dollar so why don't we call a dime a 10th and a nickel a 20th? So how many pennies in a dollar? none, because they are 100th.
That would be worth a lot being that they didn't start making them till 1916. A 1901 dime would be a Barber dime . Please see the question "What is the value of a 1901 US dime?" for more information.
That's off by about 65 years. Mercury dimes were minted from 1916 to 1945. A dime from 1853 would be called a Liberty dime or Liberty Seated dime.
The US dime produced in 1807 was known as a "Draped Bust" dime, and would not be mistaken for an Indian head. In fact, I am not aware of any US dime that could be referred to as an "Indian head" dime.
It would depend on the year and condition.
A US dime issued in 1906 would be a Barber Dime.
For the width of a penny and a dime, you would typically measure in millimeters. The width of a penny is approximately 19.05 mm, and the width of a dime is approximately 17.91 mm.
Mercury dimes were made from 1916 to 1945. A dime from 1896 would be called a Barber dime after its designer Charles Barber, or a Liberty dime. See the Related Question for values.
The total value would be 15 cents. A nickel is 5¢ while the dime is 10¢.
American 'Five and Dime' store names:Ben Franklin StoresG.C. MurphyH.L. GreenJ.J. Newberry'sKresgeMcCrory'sMcLellan'sVidler's 5 & 10Woolworth (a.k.a. F.W. Woolworth Company)W.T. Grant
$3 would be 12 quarters, 35 cents would contain one quarter and one dime. So your answer would be 13 quarters and 1 dime.
The US never minted a flowing-hair dime. A dime from 1937 would be a Winged Liberty dime, normally called a "Mercury" dime because the wings on Miss Liberty's cap make her resemble the Roman god Mercury. Please see the question "What is the value of a 1937 Mercury dime?" for more information.