You execute it the same way you would on any other OS. As long as you have the Java Runtime Environment installed and the "java" executable is in your path, from the command line you would simply run: java -cp /path/to/file/here
The command to compile a Java program is "javac", followed by the class name (file name).
To run a Java program, you use the following form: java ClassFileName ClassFileName is the name of the .class file that you wish to execute. However, you do not type the .class extension.
A (java) class file was not be made to be opened and modified by hand for the users. A class file is the resulting byte code of your java file compilation. This class file can be interpretaded for any jvm. To run your java class you only need to write these instructions in your command line. java [ options ] className [ arguments ... ] java -classpath D:\myprogram MyFileName one two three
if you are using the IDE then there is no need to set class path, ant you are using Command prompt to run the java program then you need to set the class path where the class (which is going to be used in your program) is actually located,use the following command:set calsspath=%classpath%;actual_path_of the class;we cancall more than two class by using this command by using separator (,)
The command is "java", followed by the class name. For example, if your compiled class is called myclass.class, you give the command: java myclass
You execute it the same way you would on any other OS. As long as you have the Java Runtime Environment installed and the "java" executable is in your path, from the command line you would simply run: java -cp /path/to/file/here
You can run a Java application from the command line using "java <name of the class>"
The command to compile a Java program is "javac", followed by the class name (file name).
To get rid of the Java lang no class deffound error, one must add the class or .jar file which contains this class into the Java classpath. When a Java class is run from the command line, one must add a dot (.)
By calling the class that contains it. To test it in your IDE, use the "run" command on this file. To run it independently (once it is compiled), if your class is called MyClass, run the following command from a command window:java MyClassWhen you run a class, the Java Virtual Machine will automatically look for a method called main(), and run it.
To run a Java program, you use the following form: java ClassFileName ClassFileName is the name of the .class file that you wish to execute. However, you do not type the .class extension.
A (java) class file was not be made to be opened and modified by hand for the users. A class file is the resulting byte code of your java file compilation. This class file can be interpretaded for any jvm. To run your java class you only need to write these instructions in your command line. java [ options ] className [ arguments ... ] java -classpath D:\myprogram MyFileName one two three
The class/jar was compiled with a later major version of java than the version of java you are using to run the code with. So for instance the class was compiled with java 1.5 and you are running the class with java 1.4, which doesn't understand the format of 1.5 class files. check "java -version" from the command prompt.
if you are using the IDE then there is no need to set class path, ant you are using Command prompt to run the java program then you need to set the class path where the class (which is going to be used in your program) is actually located,use the following command:set calsspath=%classpath%;actual_path_of the class;we cancall more than two class by using this command by using separator (,)
using javac command and mentioning fully classified class name. Fully classified here means class name along with the package hierarchy in which the class is stored in .java file
By using command line arguments we can pass values to the static void main method at the time of running the Java class. For example: if Class name is A,then to run this class and accepts command line then run this by using below line java A <argument1> <argument2> ....