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genetic variation happens because of meiosis. chromosomes are randomly in each sperm/egg cell, and so when they come together it's unlikely to get the same combination twice

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Q: What causes genetic variation in a species?
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How does genetic combination help a species to survive?

Genetic combination increases genetic diversity within a species, providing a wider range of traits and characteristics. This diversity can enhance a species' ability to adapt to changing environments and challenges, increasing its chances of survival and evolution. Moreover, genetic combination can help dilute harmful mutations and increase the chances of beneficial ones being passed on to future generations.

Mutations are a source of what in a species?

Genetic variation, which can lead to evoloution, and then potentially a new species.

What causes variation within species?

Variation within species can be caused by genetic mutations, environmental factors, and interactions between genes and the environment. Genetic mutations are changes in the DNA sequence that can create new traits. Environmental factors, such as diet and climate, can also influence variation by selecting for certain traits over others.

If a certain species has little genetic variation what could lead to its rapid extinction?

A lack of genetic variation can make a species less able to adapt to changing environmental conditions or new threats like diseases or predators. This reduced ability to adapt increases the species' vulnerability to extinction if they cannot effectively respond to these challenges.

How genetic variation is measured?

Gentic variation is mearsured by the number of species in the given area not.

Which procedure can not be used to increase genetic variation?

If a population dwindles, there is low genetic variation and a species may risk extinction.

What do stabilization selection and disruptive selection have in common?

They both decrease genetic variation. Stabilizing selection and disruptive selection reduce genetic variation

How does variation in a species help the species survive?

As each new generation is produced, genetic variation may be introduced into a population. The more genetic variation in a population, the more likely it is that some individuals might have traits that will be advantageous if the environment changes.

What does meiosis do for species?

Meosis creates gametes (reproductive cells) and allows genetic variation of the species

Which process is a cause of variation in a species?

Sexual Reproduction Genetic mutation

What is the major cause of variation within species?

Genetic mutations are the major cause of variation within species. Mutations can introduce new genetic traits that can be passed on to offspring, leading to diversity within a population. Other factors like genetic recombination, migration, and environmental influences can also contribute to variation within species.

How is genetic diversity beneficial to species?

Crossing over causes genetic diversity. If there was no genetic diversity in a species, the species would be prone to extinction.